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We enter the spacious area with lounge chairs, state-of-the-art appliances, and a stocked pantry. There are not one or two but three different coffee machines. With all these machines, you'd think it was weird that Archer still makes me walk to the corner to buy him one from a coffee shop. But the man is a rare breed.

He can slip into different personalities within minutes. Just my luck, they're all intriguing.

"How's your dad doing?" Emma asks.

She knows because she's been texting and checking in on us. "He's doing well. I asked someone to check in on him and walk Moonshine, and I'll go home right after work."

"Good. By the way, did you do anything else that weekend? We need to catch up. You never told me about that party you were supposed to attend."

The party I wore her dress to. Shit. Seems like it was forever ago. "Yes. Hmmm… it was cut short, but good. I'll have your dress dry-cleaned and return it." If they don't entirely remove the stain, I'll buy her a new one. Part of me wants to keep the dress as a keepsake because I'm sadistic. I need a memento of that night. That kiss.

She puts the small cup in the espresso machine and leans against the counter, looking at me. "Oh, don't worry about it. But tell me, did you have fun?"

I nod.

"Did you meet someone new? You said you were meeting old friends at some dinner party."

I pull out one of the chairs and sit at the round table. I drum on the smooth surface, wondering if I should drink coffee. Do I need to get more jittery before the man even shows up to work? There's no telling how much my heart can take. "Hmmm… sorta."

Emma takes her coffee cup from the machine and squeals. She motions to put another one in, but I lift my hands in refusal. I don't need more caffeine. "Tell me all about him! You never have any guy gossip."

God, what can I say? Emma is great, but she has a big mouth. She's not malicious, but she can't help herself. If I tell her the secret, she'll spread it to the entire building in about five minutes. I bite my inner cheek. It would be nice to have someone to share this with. I summarize the story without giving too much away: "He's hot… but not emotionally available."

She sips her espresso, then grabs a chair next to mine. "That's vague. How old is he?"

I look up at the ceiling. God, I suck at this. I can't say his age or she'll connect the dots. "A bit older?"

She squints her eyes and leans closer, interested. "Like late twenties?"

I cough. "Older?"

She nudges my elbow excitedly, and hot liquid nearly sloshes from her small cup. "You naughty girl. Did you guys have sex?"

I wish. How I very much wish. "No."

"Did you want to?"

Yes. Yes. Yes. "Maybe."

She whistles. "Look at you, dirty girl! I wonder what other secrets you've been hiding."



"Good morning," I say as I walk past Hazel’s desk.

Anticipation bubbles inside me, and I act like the week without her wasn't a nightmare. The temp sucked. She was helpful, yes, but she wasn't Hazel. Every time I looked at her working at Hazel’s desk, I felt like this intruder was sitting in her chair and shamelessly using her computer. A sham.

She lifts her eyebrow. "Morning," she says, following me into my office as usual.

I take off my jacket and put it on my chair. "How's your father?" I texted her a few times, but she only replied with a brief update, like she was done with our relationship. I wasn't. I'm still not.

I intended to drop by her condo to check in on her last week, but I had to leash that urge tightly. She's my assistant and no longer a fake date. We're not friends, which is the way I've always preferred things at work, especially with subordinates. She asked me for space at the hospital, and I didn't want to smother and overwhelm her during a difficult time.

"He's good."

Her vagueness irritates me. I need to know more. "Does he need anything? Have you tried that on-call nurse service?" I insist.

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