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I’ve almost managed to convince myself until the blonde stops and steps to the side. “Mr. Midnight, your date is here.”

My gaze lands on my date, and every freaking thought in my head disappears. All I can think is that his name suits him. He was made for the night. Locks of jet black hair fall over his forehead, setting off startling midnight blue eyes. His teeth sink into his full bottom lip, making me want to bite it myself. Not even his full beard hides his razor-sharp jawline.

Even seated, he towers over everyone else in the room. Every time he breathes, the muscles in his upper body flex and ripple. Tattoos run up the lengths of his corded forearms, the ink vivid against his tanned skin.

My stomach flutters as his eyes tangle with mine. A rumbling growl vibrates in his chest as he pushes himself to his feet. The floor shakes as he stomps toward me, staring at me as if he intends to gobble me up.

Lord have mercy. Maybe I do want this date to end like that book—with me tied to this billionaire’s bed.

“My assistant is a fucking genius.” His voice is a delicious rumble of sound, hitting me right in the womb. “You’re fucking stunning.”

“My Fairy Godmother didn’t do too bad, either,” I whisper, heat blooming in my cheeks from his compliment. I crane my head back to look up at him. “Hi.”

“What’s your name, Fate?”

“Ginerva Valentine.” I lick my lips. “Everyone calls me Ginni.”

“Ginni Valentine,” he repeats, wrapping his strong hand around mine and lifting it to his lips. I expect him to kiss the back of it, but he doesn’t. He flips it over, leaning down to brush his lips over the pulse fluttering wildly at my wrist. The tip of his tongue touches my skin, and I hear his soft groan.

Did he just lick me?

“Tastes as fucking good as she smells,” he whispers, clearly talking to himself.

Oh my goodness. He did just lick me. My core clenches. Hard.

He straightens up, his eyes tangling with mine again. “I’m Sterling Midnight,” he murmurs, not releasing my hand. The heat in his gaze is utterly captivating. No one has ever looked at me like they never want to stop looking at me before now. But this man is. It’s the single most erotic thing I’ve ever experienced.

For a long moment, we just stand there, staring at each other. I’m almost positive he can hear my heart pounding–it’s so loud.

“Welcome to First Date Paint and Sip!” the blonde announces from the front of the room. I didn’t even notice she’d walked away.

Everyone else in the room claps and cheers.

“Fuck,” Sterling growls, cutting his eyes in her direction as if only just remembering that we’re in a room full of strangers and not alone. He places his hand on the small of my back, steering me toward our designated area. “Get comfortable, Fate. I’ll pour you some wine.”

“Thank you,” I murmur politely, allowing him to help me slide onto the stool. He squeezes my waist, and I have to battle back a whimper as electric shocks rip through me.

I try to focus on what our hostess says, but I only catch every third or fourth word. Apparently, we’re painting each other tonight as a way to get to know one another.

The prospect is horrifying.

I think Sterling notices my horror because he chuckles when he sets my wine down in front of me.

“Have you ever painted before, Ginni?”

“No,” I whisper, staring at him with wide eyes. “This is going to be a disaster, Sterling.” I worry my bottom lip between my teeth. Ordinarily, I’d just wing it and hope for the best. But I don’t actually want to insult this man, and I’m about to turn his beautiful face into my best representation of a kindergartener’s art project. “I’m so sorry for what I’m about to do to you.”

His lazy smirk has my stomach turning flips. “Are you going to paint me like a French girl, Fate?”

“Worse. I’m going to paint you like I’m a kindergartener hopped up on sugar.”

He throws his head back, his deep laugh rolling over me. “Fuck. You’re cute as hell.”

“You say that now,” I mumble. “Just wait until you see what I do to this painting of you.”

His hand brushes my arm as he smirks. “Do your worst to me, baby. I can take it.”

Oh. Wow. That tingled in spots I didn’t know it could tingle.

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