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She whirled to find the maid had gone with her battle stained pants and tee shirt and Garrin stood just inside the door, towel cinched precariously at his loins. Mesmerized by his amazing abs and the trail of hair leading to the edge of the towel, she had to take a moment to collect her wits. He closed the door, a smile on his face and let his towel fall to the floor.

“Am I pleasing to your eyes?”

Dianora went to him and looped her arms around his neck, his cock pressed between them, pulsing and insistent. “Very much, my lord.”

Watching her face, he stripped the towel from her body and picked her up, walking toward the bed. She feathered kisses along his hard jawline, relishing being skin to skin with him. Garrin placed her on the mattress with infinite care and stood gazing at her as she lay there, smiling, hair tousled. “I consider myself blessed by the gods to have you here.” He came onto the bed next to her and fondled her breast with one hand, teasing the nipple into a hard bud. “When I saw you facing off with the Craadil warrior today I feared for you—my heart stopped and I was afraid of losing you before we ever had the chance to become as one. Do you know I’ve dreamt of you every night since you freed me from the dungeon? Never knowing if I’d see you again.”

“When I’m in my own time I can’t stop thinking about you,” she admitted. “Worrying about you, terrified you’ve been hurt or recaptured or…other terrible things. And it’s silly because you are deep in the past of the planet and I know it with my mind, but my heart believes there’s a future for us. I had to come back.”

He lowered his head to suckle her breast, teasing the already aching bud with his tongue, and slid his other hand lower across her abdomen, parting the curls at the vee of her thighs. Garrin toyed with her clit, caressing the bud of nerves and sending her arousal even higher, before sliding one finger along her soft folds and inside.

Breaking off his attention to her breasts, Garrin looked at her. “So hot and wet for me already, my lady? Or did you pleasure yourself in the bath, having forbidden me to do the same?”

“I thought of you, wet and naked and I was severely tempted,” she said, blushing. “But I made myself stop. And then the maid came in.”

“I approve the maid’s good timing.” He came on top of her, the tip of his shaft nudging insistently at her opening. Dianora spread her legs wider and stroked his butt, marveling at how muscular he was. A hard man, built to wage war and to rule…and to love her? At her encouragement he thrust inside an inch or two and paused, allowing her to adjust to his incredible girth. Garrin was a big man, not only in stature but in endowments and as he stretched and filled her Dianora tried not to panic over whether he’d fit or not.

Watching her face, he stroked her face softly before kissing her. “We’re in no rush. I give you my word I’ll not hurt you or force a surrender of what you choose to withhold.”

“I’m fine,” she said, trying to relax. “I have performance anxiety. I’m not very experienced and you must have?—”

“What went before has no importance in this bed with the two of us,” he said firmly. “And this is not a performance as you put it. This is Garrin and Dianora figuring each other out, learning to be one together.” Accompanying the words, he thrust again, slowly, going much deeper. “So tight, so hot, so wet. Making love to you is like no other experience I’ve had.”

Under his loving touch, Dianora relaxed and allowed herself to enjoy the way he stimulated her every nerve ending as he drove carefully toward his goal, deeper and deeper toward her inner core. She knew he wasn’t going to hurt her. She trusted him and lost herself in his soft words of encouragement and endearment, as her arousal built and built until the point where the climax overtook her with shocking force and little warning and she arched and cried out under him. The wave of sensations was all encompassing—there was nothing else in her world but Garrin’s cock seated in her most private place, giving pleasure almost beyond her power to endure. When she clenched around him and clung to him, Garrin went over the edge himself, achieving the release she’d playfully denied him earlier in the evening.

A wave of incredible tenderness swept over her as she held this powerful man in her arms as he came down from the high she’d given him. “We do belong together,” she whispered.

“Let there be no doubt.” His kiss was deep and possessive and Dianora felt absolutely claimed and adored by this man from the past, relinquishing her life and her previous goals. All of that was inconsequential compared to what she and Garrin shared, impossible but for the ring’s intervention.

Soon enough they had to rise and wash and dress. Garrin was much more efficient and quicker, donning a fresh tunic and uniform kilt before she’d gotten more than her underwear on. He turned to her and stopped dead, mouth open. “What are these magical garments you wear?”

Puzzled Dianora glanced at herself. “A bra and panties. Why?”

“Never have I seen the like.” Swiftly he came to her, touching her breasts cupped by the black lace with reverence and then placing one hand on her mound, barely covered by the scrap of lace and silk. “I might come from this vision alone.” He ground his teeth in frustration. “Would that we didn’t have to tour the infirmary and dine with my men. I want nothing but to spend the night in bed with you.”

“Flattering and tempting as the idea may be, we do have to go.” She stood on tiptoe to kiss him and danced away to where the blue dress and robe lay waiting. Satisfaction suffused her over his reaction to her lingerie along with a strong sense of annoyance she hadn’t seen fit to pack more. When she’d assembled her kit for the time travel, she’d been thinking so practically—weapons and medical supplies—she’d neglected to consider the other aspects of life in a medieval kingdom. Note to self, have the palace seamstress study bra design. She drew on the dress, pleased at the subtle floral print woven into the fabric and then the rich blue robe or overdress. There was a belt made from tiny gold links, with a large oval pendant bearing a snarling wildcat crest and she fussed with it because the garments would be too loose otherwise.

Garrin came to help her. “This is the symbol of my House,” he said, fingering the pendant.

“Appropriate,” she said with a smile. Sitting in the chair to pull on her boots, she found the situation humorous. “My footgear doesn’t exactly match the dress I’m afraid.”

“I can have the servants bring slippers.”

“With all the cold slippery stone staircases in this drafty place? I’m much better off with the boots.” Dianora rose, smoothing the wrinkles from the dress and robe. “All done. How do I look?”

“I’ll be the envy of every man in the fortress,” he said. Picking up a brush, he added, “May I tend to your tresses, my lady? For as the curls are right now, you’ve obviously been freshly tumbled and while that is the true state of affairs, I’ve no desire to emphasize the matter. I want no other man to imagine you in bed.”

“Of course.” She stood patiently while he untangled a few snarls and brushed her hair into obedience. His efforts were soothing and she enjoyed the way he plainly relished touching her hair. Eventually she reluctantly said, “I can braid it now if you give me a minute.” Crossing to the mirror, she efficiently made good on her offer. “Now I’m ready. Well, except for my supplies.” Going to the backpack, she frowned. It was stained in spots with what she suspected was Craadil blood. Fortunately the medkit was self-contained so she pulled it out and laid it on the table while she retrieved the blaster and slid it into the pack. “I don’t need to worry about this being stolen do I?”

The expression on Garrin’s face was a mixture of astonishment and anger. “Who would dare to steal from my chambers? Much less to touch anything of yours? Think you we’re barbarians like the Craadil, who loot and steal at every opportunity?”

“No of course not. It’s just these things are irreplaceable and we’re going to need the blaster in particular to help achieve ultimate victory.” With a frown she added, “Even if I used the ring and went back to my time I wouldn’t be able to get my hands on replacements. It was a one time deal.”

“Let me set your mind at rest.” He picked up the backpack and carried it into the next room on the other side, outfitted as a study or an office, medieval style. While Dianora watched, he strode to a tapestry on the wall, shifting its dusty folds aside to reveal what appeared to be a smooth stone wall. Touching his fingers lightly to three spots seemingly chosen at random, Garrin stepped out of the way as a portion of the wall swung open. He placed the pack in the now revealed cavity and closed the door. Beckoning to Dianora, he said, “Come, learn the pattern for opening the receptacle. You need access to this whether I stand here or not.”

He showed her where to place her fingers and after a few fumbles she was able to open the safe for herself. There were other intriguing bundles and items in the hidden space but now wasn’t the time for exploring them. “I’m more than satisfied. Thank you, my lord.”

“Good. Then we proceed to the infirmary where the healers are waiting for our visit.” He offered her his arm and together they strolled out of the suite and into the corridor. Two men at arms who were on guard saluted and then followed the couple as they descended the grand staircase. There were people coming and going on the stairs and once they reached the ground floor, without exception each person she passed ether bowed, saluted or curtseyed as Dianora and Garrin proceeded.

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