Page 49 of Huntress Unleashed

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Dane had been so irritated that Lettie had called Jacqueline and had made her self-doubt her intentions when she had every right to go anywhere that she wanted to, just like anyone else did. Technically, they could also go to vampire clubs, but he wasn’t sure they would be welcome there. He had never really talked to Adonis about whether he and Zachary and the others went to vampire clubs after they had been turned. He wondered if they did so as a group, would the vampires feel threatened as in the hunter part of them was looking for rogue vampires at the club?

Dane suspected it would be hard to turn off that part of their nature, if they spotted someone in a vampire club who was on one of their termination lists. He still thought it would be easier to fit in with the hunters at a hunters’ club since they’d been born hunters and knew so many of them.

He finally dressed in black dress trousers, black dress shoes, and a black button-down collared shirt. But then he wondered what Jacqueline was wearing. Wouldn’t it make a relationship statement if he wore a shirt that matched her dress? As long as she wasn’t wearing peach. He didn’t have that color in his wardrobe. Pink, yes. No purple either, though. Lots of different shades of blue because of his blue eyes.

“Hey, I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” he telepathically said to Jacqueline.

She said she was laughing. “Are you practicing your telepathic communication with me or are you?—”

“Okay, you might think this is silly, so feel free to say so, but I could wear a shirt to match the color of your dress if I have one.”

She didn’t say anything for a moment, and he figured maybe he was going a little overboard with wanting to show they were a couple. But he thought it would help her feel that he had her back while they were at the hunters’ club no matter what happened tonight.

“Do you have a teal shirt? Aqua? Turquoise? Or you could wear another shade of blue that would work.”

“I have a dark teal shirt.”

“Oh, perfect. That will be so much fun.”

He sighed with relief. He was glad she sounded like he had made her night. “All right. As soon as I pull on my shirt, I’ll be on my way over.”

“See you soon. I’m just putting my hair up.”

“You can keep it down, if you would like.”

“Okay, that makes it even easier.”

“Great. I love your hair. See you in a few.” Once he finished dressing, he drove over to pick up Jacqueline, trying to anticipate how she would look. She looked fabulous in everything he’d seen her in while hunting rogue vampires or at the therapy meeting. No matter what she wore, he knew she would look sexy. He wasn’t disappointed as he knocked at the door, and she let him in.

“Princess is waiting to see you.”

He laughed. “Hey, Princess. I’ll have to give you another good brushing one of these days.”

“She would love it.”

“Man, you look gorgeous. I mean, you always do, no matter what you’re wearing but dressed like this? I can’t imagine any man not wanting to call you his date. My brothers are going to be in seventh heaven when they get to dance with you.”

She blushed a pretty shade of red. “Thanks. You’re pretty dashing yourself. I can’t believe our teals are almost the same shade.”

“Yep. We definitely look like we are together.”

“Yeah, that’s nice.”

“See you later, Princess,” Dane said, then he shut the door and walked Jacqueline to his truck, opened the door for her, and once she had climbed in, shut the door for her. He climbed into the driver’s seat and buckled in. “Well, are you ready for this? My brothers said they would meet us there.”

“Yeah, I’m ready for this. Though I would be lying if I said I wasn’t somewhat nervous about this. What about you?”

“Oh, yeah, I think I wouldn’t be honest with myself if I said I was feeling totally fine about this. In the past, it would be just a fun outing. Now? It’s a whole other story. I keep anticipating a fight from some of the hotheads who might want to keep the club patronage strictly to hunters who haven’t been turned.”

“Then what do we do?”

“We’ll play it by ear. If push comes to shove, and we don’t want to make a scene, we can disappear and drive off into the sunset. Or we can stay and force the issue. But I really don’t think we can plan what will happen until we see what happens. I kind of doubt Zachary or Adonis would back down if any hunter gave them issues.”

“Why would you?”

Dane glanced at Jacqueline. To protect her.

“Don’t you back down on account of protecting me. I’m just as likely to stay and make them eat their words.”

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