Page 3 of The Perfect Design

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“That wasn’t necessary, but we sure appreciate it. You come back anytime.”

With my wallet back in my pocket, I take the three bags from the counter and head back out into the cold morning.

It is cold, I like the cold, but maybe not this mountain-kind of cold. The food in my hands though, it was worth the walk here, even in these temps.

Once the sun comes out, it will warm up a bit, enough to not freeze, but it is still the mountains. These temps just hit differently.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, so I pull it out. “Mack, I’ve got breakfast. I should be there soon. What’s up, brother?”

“Hey, we are at the Oswald property, and there seems to be no one here. Or at least, no one answers when I call out.”

“Okay, did she tell you she wouldn’t be home? I talked to her last night, and she knew we were coming back early this morning.”

“She didn’t say anything to me, no. But look, there’s a note on the door to go on in, but the door was already open when we got to it. Looks a little sketchy to me. What do you want us to do?”

I pivot on my feet and race toward my truck. “Nothing. Do not go in. I have the Sheriff’s number; I’ll give him a call.” I’m so thankful that I always make sure to introduce my people around to law enforcement that could be called out for noise complaints; people always want to bitch about their missed five minutes of sleep when the hammering or sawing starts. This just keeps us all in a calm environment.

Sheriff Theo Reigns is a big brute of a man. A good ole boy, born and raised in this small town. He has pride in his community, and from what I have seen over the last three weeks, the man doesn’t play around. He sticks to his word, and that word is law.

I want to have him or his Deputy come take a look around. There could be a number of reasons for an open door. Mrs. Oswald could be out or in a part of the house where their voices don’t carry. The old house is huge, after all.

Or, she could be laid out on a floor somewhere. Slipping in the shower was a possibility. Dammit! Someone could have broken in for riches they thought they’d find… It could be the fact that I watch too many episodes of CSI, NCIS, and Criminal Minds, but an empty house with an open door could lead to trouble.

It could be absolutely nothing. Slow your roll, man.

My gut though, she’s persistent that this is sketchy, as Mack said. It doesn’t feel right.

I put the bags of food on the back floorboard, toss my pack on the backseat, ready to climb in.

“In the event something is off—Hold that thought, man.”

I cross the road and jog to where Mrs. Oswald is standing, stretching out her deliciously toned, long legs. This woman is gorgeous. To the point where I lost my words the first time we met. And most days since then. You know the saying, ‘Cat got your tongue’? Well, this beautiful woman is the act. She’s stolen my breath and apparently the brain cells that I need to function normally.

I kick myself for ogling her and call out to her, “Mrs. Oswald!”

She looks up, her smile growing as I approach. She seems to be perfectly fine. I am thankful for that.

“Mr. Grisham, nice to see you enjoying the town this morning. You’re out early.” She glances at her watch.

“I like to get an early start to my day. Look, I don’t want to alarm you, but?—”

“Please tell me you aren’t going to delay the work on the house. I need this to be done?—”

“Oh, no. No, ma’am, it’s not that at all.”

She bites back whatever it was she was going to say next and nods for me to continue.

“My guys are at your place now.”

“All right, then what’s wrong? You look upset.”

“Just worried, ma’am. Your front door?—”

“Back door,” Mack says from the phone. Damn, I forgot he was even there. I pull the phone from my ear and hit the speaker.

“Mack says your back door is ajar. It was that way when they got there. Was there anyone else at your house?”

Could she have someone there for a sleepover? Could there be a maid service that comes in to clean? The woman has money, and having help come in while the place is in disarray to help sort it out, isn’t a bad thing.

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