Page 22 of The Perfect Design

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My kid has a heart of pure gold—I should have known he’d not see it as us trying to replace his dad. That would never happen. A piece of my heart would always belong to Barney. No one, nothing, would ever change that.

Introducing Ian to Christopher and Jenni though…that got a little awkward—weird even. Christopher took to him quickly. The men bonding over ‘work stuff’, as Ian called it. Men were usually the easier to win over. I’d told them what we had discussed with Michael, what had unfolded there. They’d listened and nodded along as I told them how we met and where.

Jenni had been more than a little standoffish. Which was understandable. I reassured her—them—that this was just the next step in life. No one would ever forget Barney, but I needed to move on; that is what he would want.

Dinner had gone well, but after, that was when Jenni finally pulled me aside. I had been more than a little nervous to hear what she had to say.

“Does he know about your money? Is he in this for the right reasons?” she asked, her brows tugged into a deep frown. I’d not missed her ringing the handkerchief in her hands. She was worried, mad, confused. I wasn’t sure which just yet.

“He does. I don’t hide anything from him. He’s been very open with me as well. I assure you, he’s not after my money; he has his own. He owns his own business, which is very well off. He’s in this for the right reasons, Jenni.”

“Do you know him, I mean, really know him?”

“Yes, as much as I can in the time we’ve been together. He’s an open book, as am I.”

“Are you sure he’s not just in it—what is it the kids say? Hit it or quit it?”

I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped me. “I assure you, he’s not the ‘hit it or quit it kind’ of man.” I shook my head. “Jenni, I know this is hard for you. I’m not replacing Barney. I can assure you of that. Ian is here for me, and now the family. Yes, he’s younger than me, but that is just a number. He truly makes me happy. I need him just as much as he needs me.”

“What if it doesn't work out? Then what?”

“Then we move on. Nothing in life is a guarantee, Jenni. You know that. I’m not going to live my life on the ‘what ifs’. That isn’t fair to me or anyone else.”

“I’m sorry to be so aggressive here. I just want to make sure you’re safe. That my grandson is in a safe place. It’s important to me. It all goes along with the happiness I can already see on your face when you mention his name.” She leans in, taking my hand between hers. “I’m not your mother, but you’ve been my daughter for a long time. If I didn’t say anything and something happened…”

Her words drew tears to my eyes. Leaning in, I hugged her tight.

“I understand. Thank you for caring enough to say something. I love you and Christopher so much. You’ve both always been great. The stories of monster-in-laws…I’m glad I don’t have that with you guys.”

“No, never. I had that with Chris’ mother. Ooh, that woman was just hateful. I swore I’d never be like her.” She gives me a bright smile. “Should we go check on the men?”

“Oh, yes. I’m sure Christopher is giving Ian the ‘if you hurt her, I’ll unalive you’ talk right about now.”

“As he should be.” She smirked.

I stopped before the door, turning back to her. “I never expected to find another man to love—not in a million years.”

“We don’t always get a second chance, but when we do, you have to take the bull by the horns and ride that beast until it collapses. I mean that just as it sounds. Let that young man do what young men do.” Her wicked grin had my cheeks flaring with heat.

“Please stop.” I laughed to myself as I walked out of the kitchen. I could not believe she’d said that… If she had any idea what we got up to… Nope, not going there.

Looking out across the living room, I can’t help but smile. I watch Micheal and Ian playing a game of checkers. My kid is totally a cheater; I hope Ian is watching him closely. My guys bonded over talking about losing a parent, their love for playing in the dirt, and let me tell you, my kid’s face when Ian told him that he got to help build things. It was priceless. Then he got to meet the others, and they let him watch from afar. He was over the moon.

Every day since then he has sat out on the back patio, watching everything they do and asking a million questions. His room upstairs is full of Legos and building blocks. No matter how long his work day is, when he’s in town, Ian spends time every night with him putting something together. Then doing it all over the next night.

A week ago, Ian took me out on a date. Dinner, a movie, and a long ride through the mountains. We’d stopped at a lookout, enjoying the stars when he’d dropped to one knee. I swear my heart stopped. Seeing him vulnerable, waiting for me to answer him. I’d never seen him like that. I, of course, said yes. I mean, I love the crazy man. I can’t imagine the rest of my life without him in it.

He’d done it the ‘right way’. His words, not mine. He’d sat down and had a man-to-man talk with Michael. He told me the kid all but bounced out of his skin when he showed him the ring. Micheal gave him his blessing, as had Christopher. He may not be my father, but he was someone who meant a lot to me. Everyone just wanted us to be happy.

And happy we are. I don’t think my heart could be any happier, honestly. I have everything I’ve wanted. My family supports me and my man that thinks I hung the moon.

I smile wider when I catch Ian watching me.

Christopher is reclined back in a chair reading, and Jenni is crocheting on the couch. Her hands move fast enough to make my eyes go crossed. How she can do that so flawlessly while her eyes are trained on something else—safe to say I will never be that good.

“You all right, dear?” Jenni asks, drawing my attention. She gives me a look that makes me think she knows something she shouldn’t.

I bite the inside of my cheek but nod, my arms crossed over me. “Just taking in the scenery.” I smile.

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