Page 36 of Eyes Tight Shut

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Jenna disconnected and they drove through driving rain to Aunt Betty’s Café. The wipers flashed back and forth fast, but the pelting rain obscured the blacktop. Glad when they finally stopped outside the diner, Jenna jumped out and dashed inside. Susie was in her office and Jenna slipped behind the counter with Kane on her heels. She explained what had happened. “We believe it’s Leona. Do you have her details?”

“Yes.” The color had drained from Susie’s face. “Leona Brinley. Her shift finished around two.” She swallowed hard. “Just before, Ty came in for lunch. He spoke to her and left before she finished her shift. He was asking me about men who looked like him that came by.”

A jolt went through Jenna. “Carter? He left around two?”

“Yeah, I guess.” Susie made notes and handed the sheet of paper to Jenna. “That’s her details and her next of kin contact number. Do you want me to call Leona? Then we’ll know for sure if it’s not her?”

“Go ahead.” Kane leaned against the wall, water pooling from his slicker.

“It goes to voicemail.” Susie swallowed hard and put the phone down. “Are we in danger?”

“You should inform everyone who works here to be careful and move around in twos if possible.” Kane blew out a long breath. “This killer doesn’t need a reason.”



After a sleepless night, Jenna woke at five when Kane rolled out of bed to tend the horses. Their life had changed in the last twenty-four hours. She tried to keep her mind on the cases but the fear that something bad would happen to Tauri nagged at her. She’d checked the doors and windows and the sleeping child countless times overnight and the previous day had called Nanny Raya at the kindergarten every few hours to check on their safety. Her safe haven had been invaded and nothing would ever be the same. She watched Kane dressing in the dark and sat up. “I want to help you with the horses but I’m too scared to leave Tauri alone.”

“The rain has cleared.” Kane peered out the window. “I’ll turn them out into the corral for the day. It won’t take me long to muck out. I’ll groom them tonight, when we can all be together in the barn.” He sat on the bed and cupped her face. “Wolfe has experts working on an advanced warning system and others to create a removable deterrent.” He smiled at her. “Something to prevent choppers landing in our yard but something we can remove when we want one to land. He’s suggested a net that can be mechanically rolled up to allow landing. No chopper pilot would risk being caught up in a net.”

Impressed, Jenna nodded. “Like a swimming pool cover but in the air?”

“I guess.” He kissed her and held her close. “We’ll take every precaution against anyone hurting us again. I’m not leaving your side, and Tauri will be in safe hands at all times. We just have a few more days before the trial. Once I testify, hurting me or my family won’t gain them anything. When this is done, they’ll know what happened to Mateo and that I’ll kill without a second thought anyone of them who comes close. I’m the threat, Jenna. The tables have turned.”

Nodding, Jenna slid out of bed. “I know you’ll protect us, Dave, but living like this is like being in jail.”

“The threat is always going to be there, Jenna.” Kane met her gaze. “We both knew that going into this marriage. I admit I made a mistake offering to do the arms deal for the FBI. For one crazy moment, I let my guard down to help a friend. Trust is everything to me, and Carter has been as close to me as Wolfe for some time now. If he’s dirty, I’ll never trust anyone again.”

Dismayed, Jenna turned to look at him. “As in working for the cartel?”

“Yeah.” Kane rolled his shoulders. “Okay, Jo gave us a good explanation, but it still doesn’t sit right with me. I’m seeing a sudden change of character. He goes missing for days on end—what’s that all about? Then he resembles the suspect in four murders. I don’t know what to think anymore.”

“If he’s a psychopath, he’s the best I’ve ever seen.” Jenna shook her head. “We know him. All his bravado is a front. I honestly believe he never gets involved with women, as in a girlfriend, because he doesn’t want to get hurt. That means he cares. He’s always been there for us and Jo. I just won’t believe he killed those women.” She looked at him. “He loves Tauri. I refuse to believe he’d deliberately hurt anyone.”

“I’ll be watching him.” Kane headed for the door.

Jenna had set the table and had the coffee brewing by the time Kane finished his chores. As he took a shower, her phone chimed. It was Agent Katz. “Sheriff Alton.”

“I’ve had a ton of problems with the recent CCTV footage.” Katz sucked in a deep breath. “Wolfe informed me last night about the fourth murder and I accessed what CCTV footage I could find. I’ve never had any problems downloading CCTV footage before, but this time it was slow. Maybe it was the weather, but unfortunately, all the footage I’ve found with the victims shows without a doubt Agent Ty Carter was with them. I have a film of him getting into the last victim’s pickup on Main yesterday afternoon a little after two. There’s no doubt it’s him. I have uploaded all the files for you. See for yourself.”

Swallowing the bile creeping up the back of her throat, Jenna gripped the back of the chair, trying to think. “Are these the times he admits to speaking to the victims?”

“No, these are the times he denies speaking to the victims. I centered my investigation on those specific times as you have witnesses.” Beth drummed her fingernails on the desk. “This isn’t something I enjoyed doing, Sheriff. I like Carter and believed him to be a solid agent. I hope there is a logical explanation, but right now, this proves beyond doubt he lied in his statement.”

Shocked by the implications, Jenna white-knuckled the back of the chair. “Okay. Thank you for your assistance, Agent Katz. We’ll be in touch.” She disconnected and sat staring into space.

“Is something wrong?” Kane walked into the kitchen with Tauri. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

Forcing a smile, Jenna gave Tauri a hug and then stood to pour the coffee and a glass of milk. “I’ll explain later.” She moved her eyes toward Tauri and back to Kane. “It’s just a work thing.” She sat at the table as Kane went about making breakfast in his usual swift and efficient way. She looked at Tauri. “Did you enjoy having Nanny Raya at kindergarten yesterday?”

“Yes, she told stories and taught us a dance.” Tauri smiled. “She said she would come back and we’d do painting today.”

“That sounds neat.” Kane smiled at him over one shoulder. “Over the holidays Uncle Shane is coming by to help me rebuild my motorcycle. Do you want to help?”

“Yes.” Tauri frowned at him. “You mustn’t break it again. It makes mommy scared.”

Realizing the mention of the Harley had touched a raw memory, Jenna went to explain but Kane flashed her a look. She blinked and sipped her coffee. They’d spoken to a counselor about their son and discussed ways to help him feel safe again by providing a stable and predictable environment. When a problem arose, they needed to talk about his feelings, listen without judgment, and validate their emotions. Encouraging him to participate in art or something else he enjoyed was important too.

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