Page 79 of Acquisition

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I already knew what was going to come up.

I'll deal with the shell company part. Can you get any video of the comings and goings from that house?

Oh, I'm already in.

Christ, he was fast. You are quite terrifying. You know that?

Yeah well, sometimes you get bored in college. But we're out of luck. They used Norcut Security, and they purge all security data for anything older than five years.

Crap. Ugh, okay. I was afraid of that. But maybe you can help me keep looking for security footage around the property. Maybe a neighbor’s cam caught something?

On it. Anything else you need help with?

Not right now. I’m working on the other end of this. A doctor who disappeared. I've already gone looking for his name, social media presence, anything like that.

What's going on, Gwen? I really don’t like this.

Honestly, I'm not that sure. Right now, it feels like a wild goose chase. If it becomes anything more than that, I'll let you know. I swear.

And let me guess; your grumpy husband has no idea what you're doing.

Not yet, but I’ll tell him if I find anything.

Right now he had enough on his mind.

Are you sure you know what you're doing?

Wasn’t that the question of the century. No, not really. But it can't hurt to look.

Shit… This is an Atticus thing, isn’t it?

Of course, this is an Atticus thing. Besides, I thought you were good with him now?

I am good with him because you need him and he can protect you. But now I find out you’ve been dragged into some bullshit.

I sighed. I wasn’t dragged into it. I’m trying to help. You know me. I can’t help trying to protect the people I love.

There was a long pause on his end. Just try to stay out of trouble. I will search images, okay? I don't want you poking around something that you shouldn't be touching.

I appreciate your worry. And thank you for your help.

Anytime. I'll text you when I've got something.

You're the best.

Yeah, I know.

I closed the private chat window and turned my attention back to the doctor. With a couple more tweaks, I at least had his image and last known whereabouts.

He’d had a practice in the Upper East Side specializing in neurological disorders. Then one day he just packed up his practice and disappeared. He'd left some messages about how he was going to spend some time with his grandchildren in Switzerland, but there was no record of him leaving the country.

That little voice inside told me to mind my business. But when had minding my business ever been a good idea?

Chapter 33


When I woke up, Gwen was sprawled all over me in her favorite position.Starfish.

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