Page 54 of Acquisition

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It didn’t matter how stern I was with my heart. The flutters, the warmth, the reluctant tear—all were signs of a truth I was still afraid to admit.

In that moment, surrounded by the splendor of my gown and the vivid bouquet, I could feel myself melting—a softening, a yielding to the emotions I had fought so hard to control. Today I was getting married.

Real or not, that meant something.Another tear threatened to spill.

“Shit,” I muttered quietly to myself.

Someone placed a hand on my shoulder and I lifted my head up from my hands to see who it was, expecting Morgan.

"Are you okay?"

It wasn't my sister. It was the queen. The Queen. I plastered a smile on my face. "Yeah, sure, I'm fine."

Penny shook her head. "You look like you're freaking out."

Well, shit. "Perhaps a little."

"That's normal. Hell, I was very excited about marrying Sebastian, and I still freaked out."


"Yeah, it was just a big deal. So I understand, especially, you know, since you feel like someone’s holding a gun to your head."

My sister came running in. "I've got the blue and the old. And I think your husband-to-be is busy trying to get you something new right now."

"I don't want anything new. Why is this happening?"

Morgan knelt in front of me. "Hey, you don't have to do this. We can run. Ariel kicks ass. She said she's got a safehouse. We'll change our names and cut our hair."

I had done the big chop once and had a very adorable curly afro. When Morgan did the big chop, her hair resembled a helmet.

"Remember the helmet phase?"

Morgan's face froze. "Okay, you're right. Not my best look. But ooh, maybe I'll dye it."

I shook my head. "No. It’ll dry out your hair, then you’ll have to chop it again."

"I'm too cute for helmet hair," she wailed.

"I know. Which is why I'm going to do this,” I laughed. “To protect your hair."

"You're always doing things to protect me."

I booped her nose. "Well, you're just a baby, so what else am I supposed to do?"

"I wish you didn't have to do it all the time."

"I will do it all day every day. Immediately, without hesitation." I promised.

My sister shook her head. "There will come a day when I protect you."

I would never let that happen. I would happily die before I let her protect me. "Let's really hope not, okay?"

The room was suddenly a flurry of activity. Princess Jessa and Ariel came bustling into the room in their no-nonsenseway with Princess Cara attached to Ariel’s right ankle.

"Auntie Ariel. I want to do makeup. Me too."

Ariel dipped down and scooped up the curly-haired baby. "I know, baby. Here, let me help."

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