Page 43 of Acquisition

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My heart stopped. I stared at her, unable to breathe, unable to piece the fragments of the words she was saying together. "What?"

"I think it says a lot that you chose to shatter me, instead of talking to me. I would have left. If you had told me what was going on, I would have gotten on that plane my damn self. And while it would have hurt to be separated from you, I would have done it knowing that I was saving your mother and that maybe eventually we could be together.” She shook her head. “But that's not what you did. Instead, you did what you always do. Controlled the situation."

"Look at me, Gwen." Her gaze was once again on the scenery, but she slowly turned to face me. "Does it look like this was easier for me? Do I look like I haven't been torn up over this?"

"I'm not sure what I'm seeing, Atticus." She shrugged then turned back.

Fuck, had I lost her for good?

No. She's yours.

I didn't get anywhere in life by ever giving up. I'd done the harshest thing because as much as Gwen would like to believe that she would have gone without question, I knew better. She wouldn't have, and she would have gotten hurt. And I couldn't have lived with that.

But you ended up in the same place anyway, with both of the women you love in danger.

But if all things went well, I would be turning the tables. And I would secure both their safety before we left these islands.

Chapter 20


When Atticus said villa, I didn’t know he meant villa. I’d grown up with money, but there was a difference between being rich and being wealthy. My mother had also always made it a point to make us feel normal and be around normal people.

The villa we were staying in was essentially a miniature castle.

We were just down the hill from the castle, which loomed above us up the rocky facade.There were several paths carved into the rock that would take you right up to the palace gardens. Everything was ultra-modern inside, but somehow, it also seamlessly blended with the old-world arches outside the mini-palace as I was calling it. I felt like I was looking at something from Mikonos. Gorgeous and stunning, the sunlight beamed on the white steps with the fragrant birds-of-paradise and hibiscus flowers blooming all around.The pathways had other flowers I had never even seen in the kind of colors you only dreamed about.

"Do you like it?"

I whipped around in the bedroom I'd been shown to by the housekeeper to find Atticus in the doorway. He'd changed into cream-colored linen pants, a cream linen shirt, and he'd shaved. But he was wearing his glasses, which, Jesus Christ, was giving ultimate Clark Kent vibes, and I wanted to climb the man like a tree. All six-foot-three of him.

Get yourself together.

“It’s incredible. Like a legitimate fairytale. Is it just us here?”

“Yes. Morgan arrived yesterday. I booked her in at the Four Seasons. We’ll see her in the morning.”

Like he promised, he was bringing my family to me. It made hating him just a little bit harder.

"You and I aren’t sharing a room, right?"

Why on earth would you ask that question? I thought you didn’t want him.

His gaze darkened as he watched me intently, amusement playing across his lips. "We are not. I promised you could come to me when you're ready."

I lifted my chin. "And if I'm never ready?"

His smile was part cocky smirk, part resignation. "Then I’ll wait until you are."

"That may never happen, Atticus."

He started to move toward me, every step like a panther's prowl. I couldn't help the flutter in my chest, the gasp, or automatically backing up for my own personal safety.

He stopped and then sat very deliberately on my bed. "Your reaction to me says differently. But I have a lot to make up for, so I understand. Take all the time you need. I'm here."

"And what happens if I… I don't know, date someone?"

"Like Craig?"

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