Page 2 of Acquisition

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Morgan was quiet for a moment. "As delicious as this scone place sounds, you know you don't have to pretend with me, Gwen."

"I'm not pretending. I really am okay. Atticus was a blip. I fell hard, but I have bounced back. With a little distance and perspective, I realize we never would have worked. And that thing I thought I felt was just so intense. People don't love like that. I need to aim for steady. Not that kind of tortured feeling, you know? But you’ll be happy to know, I’m already making friends in the office. I’m building a life. Hell, I might stay after the software is released."

I chugged down half my smoothie, checked my makeup, and grabbed my jacket to find Lance coming through the front door, fresh from a workout. It had been easier to room with him than find a sublet in the ridiculously packed London environs. With the added bonus of having a movie-watching buddy. "You're off?"

"Yeah. I want to get some work done before anyone else gets to the office. I'll see you there though. Lunch, as always?"

He met my gaze. "Yeah." With a nod, he indicated his phone. "Who's that?"

I hit the speaker button. "Say hi, Morgan."

Lance's face squinched up. "Ugh, if I had known it was her, I wouldn't have asked to say hi."

"Don't be an asshole."

He rolled his eyes, but added, "Morgan, how is my favorite caustic person?"

"I'm ecstatic now that I don't have to look at you every other day."

He rolled his eyes. "Tell your sister to relax, would you? She seems tense."

Morgan scoffed. "I knew it. I knew you were tense. What's wrong?"

I took Morgan off the speaker, rolled my eyes, and angled my face for Lance to give me an air hug as he was sweaty.

And then I was out. Headed for Pendragon Tech.

"Oh Jesus," I didn't bother with the elevator, with my flats on, I headed for the stairs. "I'm just trying to get my life back on track, okay?”

“I just want you to know I'm here for you."

It occurred to me then. "Morgan, what the hell are you doing up? It's seven o'clock here, which means, it is two in the morning where you are."

"Actually, it's eleven. Remember? I'm in Cali, visiting Stanford to check out their Master's program."

"Oh right. That was this week. I'm so sorry I missed it."

"Nah, no big deal. I'm just getting ready for bed too. Better get my face mask on.”

I laughed at that. "God, I miss you so much."

"I miss you too. But I get it. If you couldn't heal because you were seeing him every day, then all power to you. I just want you to be happy."

"I'm on my way there."

That was a lie. It was still a Herculean effort to not think about him every day. But I was getting better. It had been weeks since I had an Atticus dream. Everything had gotten significantly better now that I didn't work in New York.

"Remember, I'm the big sister. I'm supposed to worry about you, not the other way around. Please tell me something good. Tell me stories about your love life."

Morgan just groaned. "Ugh, please, don't make me. Boys are so.... ugh. Even when they like you, they want some kind of insane friends with benefits arrangement, then get mad if you date. It's bizarre. It's like they want to own you and keep you on the shelf. That's why I'm focused on getting a master's. I don't need boys right now."

"That there alone, proves you are smarter than me, Morgan. Because chasing boys gives you nothing but heartache."

"I agree. But I still believe in love though. And I hope that Atticus didn't ruin that for you."

"Please, it's going to take a lot more than Atticus Price to ruin love for me."

Chapter 2

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