Page 12 of Acquisition

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"All right then. You really shouldn't be alone.”

"How long is it going to take you to review the video?"I asked.

She pushed slowly to her feet. "Well, these things take?—"

"No, Detective Inspector Willcox. What's going to happen is you're going to review that tape now. Or give them to Mr. Jones, then he and his team will review them. We're going to find out who tried to push my fiancée in front of the bloody train."

The way he said fiancée cracked like a whip around my body, leaving lacerations as it unfurled.

"Fiancée?” I asked incredulously. “Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you?—"

He cut me off with a sharp shake of his head. "Gwen, love, Gavin will take you out."

"No. If you are discussing this situation, you're doing it with me here."

I couldn't take the gentling of his voice, or the way his eyes drank me in, giving a visual assessment on how hurt I was. Well, fuck him.

I pushed to my feet. The nausea from before was gone, bolstered by a cocktail of fury and vengeance and stubbornness. All driven by utter disbelief. Disbelief that he was here. Disbelief that he even knew it was happening.

Also, standing gave me better access to walk away. Because as far as I was concerned, stabbing him was still on the table.

Detective Inspector Willcox blinked up at him, but she didn't cower, she didn't fidget, she did not bend. "And you are?"

"I am Atticus Price. Ms. Becker is my fiancée. And you are doing nothing to move this investigation forward."

She lifted a brow. "Price, you say. As in the billionaire technology magnate?"

"Yes. Your point?"

"I'm just saying that you probably have many enemies. I'd like a list."

"You'll get one. But right now, we'll watch the bloody video. This case is not getting shuffled to the bottom of the pile. You're going to give Pierce, who runs my security team, a copy, and we'll also comb through it."

She laughed. "You're not the police. We will handle it."

He nodded slowly. "Sure, we can do the song and dance. I'll piss all over your territory, and then I'll call your boss's boss's boss and piss all over their territory as well. Or you can just give me what I ask and save us both a lot of time. If we find anything, we'll bring it to you. But I have better technology. Faster. And I can pay a team of people to work on it."

"That's not how police matters are conducted,” Willcox said with a shake of her head. “And I can't have private citizens taking out their vendettas on each other. But that isn't the point."

"This is the wrong stance to take, Inspector."

"I appreciate that you believe so, but I’m also not giving you the video."

"If you say so."

Atticus turned to me then and took my hand in his.

"Let go." I stared at him. "Did you follow me?"

"Not here."

"What the fuck do you mean, not here?"

"Not here, Gwen. When we get you out of here, then Micah and Pierce can play a little fast and loose with the security cameras."

His voice was so low, I could barely hear him.I turned to see Micah,who was already at the other end of the room, waiting for the police to escort us to the exit. I turned back to Atticus and said, "You wouldn't?—"

"I would. Now go."

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