Page 9 of Fallen

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My heart froze and I tore my gaze from the shadow, looking for the woman again. What the fuck was going on here? A woman appears out of thin air sporting either an outfit from the Fifties or a pair of wings?

But I couldn’t find her. I looked around the room with that panic you get when things aren’t making sense, somehow terrified that she was going to find me before I found her, but the room was empty.

I was standing against the door, so she hadn’t left that way.

Instead, she seemed to have disappeared into thin air.

Along with her wings.

Chapter 6


I turned and rammed both fists into Mattias’ chest. “What do you think you’re doing?”

Bad enough that he’d towed me off the dance floor without my permission. Now he’d dragged me into Antony’s office like he had any right to use it!

Fuming, I spun toward the desk, cursing Mattias in every language I knew—including ones that weren’t even human—and stalked toward the man currently posing as my father. “What in the name of the Angels is going on here? You send Mattias to manhandle me off the dance floor like I’m some sort of child and then drag me in here as though I require discipline?”

I slammed my palms down on the desk and leaned toward him, so angry I could barely contain it. I didn’t have to look to know my skin was lighting up. I didn’t care. I was safe in here, and Antony needed to know that my emotions were that close to the surface.

He needed to know how dangerous this was.

Look, I knew I was the youngest in the room—and would still be if our other partner, Valentine, came in. I knew this was my first mission and that I was the least experienced. But this was my mission too, and I’d been the one tasked with bagging our target. That meant our superiors had faith in me—as they should, considering how long I’d been working at the main office. I’d proven myself again and again. Everyone knew how smart I was, and my capabilities when it came to charming unsuspecting victims.

I was the talent here, I reminded myself. And Antony and Mattias would do well to remember it.

“The target is mine to take,” I growled. “How the hell am I supposed to do that when I’m getting yanked off the dance floor by my older brother?”

I didn’t mention the second part: that fully half of my anger was because Mattias had taken me away from the man with the gray eyes. I wanted to know that man. Wanted to feel him, touch him, hear his voice. I’d been pulled to him like a magnet who had found its mate, and when he touched me, it had been everything I wanted.

He’d been all I could see.

I wanted that back, and I wanted to kill Mattias for taking me away from him. I wanted to kill Antony for having ordered it.

I wouldn’t have been able to. Antony was far older and more powerful than I was. Mattias, though... I thought I might be able to take him, if I had my weapons with me.

I looked up at Antony, ready to ask again what in hells was going on here, but found him staring at Mattias. I turned to look at my brother, wondering how he was going to answer for what he’d done, and saw the door open. Valentine, our other partner, came strolling in like the cat who’d just had his cream, smirking in that self-satisfied way of his.

He stopped when I turned my glare on him, and had the good sense to look at least a little bit sorry.

“I didn’t do it,” he said immediately. “I wasn’t involved.”

“And yet I saw you pulling that man away from me,” I noted, trying for calm. “Which means you were involved.”

Val swallowed heavily and let his gaze flick to my hands.


I didn’t have my weapons with me, but he had to know that if I had, I would have been using them already. If these three had thought that I’d meekly succumb to their plans, they had another thing coming. I might be new at this, but I knew my own powers.

It just took a lot before I used them.

“Tell me what happened,” Antony said, interrupting my thoughts.

I glanced from him to my brothers, wondering. Had Antony sent them, or was he just as surprised at their actions as I was?

“She was dancing with the Rossi man,” Mattias said quietly. “I saw them making eyes at each other from across the room and didn’t think anything of it. When I looked again, he had his hands all over her, his face buried in her neck.”

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