Page 7 of Fallen

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A distraction I’d intentionally sought out and then allowed to catch me.

The man leaned forward and dropped his mouth to my neck, his breath racing along my skin, and I fought the need to groan out loud at the sensation. Gods and angels, what was wrong with me? I was a level-headed being who had never gotten into any trouble before, and yet I was acting like a common animal, incapable of controlling myself just because some man?—

His lips grazed along my neck, stopping all thought in my head.

And this time I did allow myself to gasp. Because whatever this was, whatever this man was doing, was unlike anything I’d ever felt before. Heat was pooling between my legs, my stomach turning as if I’d swallowed a million butterflies, and I didn’t want it to stop. I didn’t care about the mission or finding our target. I wanted to stay here on this dance floor, allowing this man to tease me, for all of eternity. I was dying to hear what his voice sounded like. To know how I would feel if he touched me more.

I felt my skin begin to burn, and didn’t have to look down to know I was already glowing.

I didn’t care.

Then hands came from nowhere and ripped me from the man, dragging me backwards before I could stop them. I looked up and saw his shocked face, but couldn’t summon the breath to say anything to him before I was dragged into the crowd by whoever had me.

I watched him long enough to see his face change from dreamy to determined, though.

And I wasn’t surprised when he started to come after me.

Chapter 5


I didn’t understand what was going on.

The girl was so gorgeous I could barely breathe when I looked at her, and my body had reacted without any conscious decision on my part. I’d seen her and wanted her more than I’d ever wanted anything, the tug of her too strong for me to fight. The dance toward each other through the crowd... The feeling that we might never find each other... The moment when I finally wrapped my arms around her...

Look, I’m not a romantic. I’ve never been the type of guy who sees a girl and falls in love with her at first sight, and I’m definitely not the good guy in any fairy tale. I’ve seen too much life for that. I’ve shot too many men and saved too many questionable lives.

But the girl with the green eyes drove her fingers right into my body and wrapped them around my heart. I couldn’t think of a better way to explain it. I’d become a body without a working mind. A libido without any rationale behind it.

I wanted her with every cell I owned.

And when someone grabbed her and took her away from me, it made me want her even more.

I started after them, my strides sure and my eyes on the girl. Something was wrong. She looked panicked, like she didn’t know who’d grabbed her or what they wanted. And that panic was all I needed to see. I didn’t know her name or where she’d come from. I hadn’t even heard her voice yet. But I knew that I needed to get to her and protect her from the man who had her.

If only so I could have her back myself.

Then someone grabbed me from behind, nearly pulling me off my feet as they jerked me back.

I spun around, yanking my shoulders out of their grip, and had my hand on the gun under my jacket before I bothered to look up. The man who’d grabbed me was enormous. Bigger even than Barney, though a moment later he seemed to somehow... shrink. Like the size had been a figment of my imagination. He was dark as the devil and twice as beautiful—which I had never thought of any man before—and he looked more dangerous than anyone I’d ever met.

A second later, that faded as well.

I blinked, wondering what the hell was wrong with my eyes, and then remembered my anger. They had the girl I wanted and now they were keeping me from her.

“What’s your problem?” I growled, trying and failing to keep my tone polite.

“You are. Leave the girl alone.”

Right. A man of few words.

“We were just dancing.”

He shoved me back several steps, and it turned out his strength was also bigger than it should have been. I stepped back up to him like he hadn’t pushed me, fury roaring through my veins. No one touched me when I wasn’t expecting it, and you didn’t shove me unless you were specifically looking for a fight. Everyone in New York knew that.

Fuck, people outside of New York knew that.

“Are we going to have a problem here? Because I know the man hosting this party, and I’m not sure he’ll approve of someone assaulting one of his guests.”

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