Page 11 of Fallen

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The wings I hadn’t actually seen on her.

I wasn’t touching that part yet, because it didn’t make sense. And I didn’t like things that didn’t make sense. Guns, blood, the roar of loud cars—that stuff made sense. You could touch it and feel it and hear it, out there in the real world.

The idea of wings? That part was making me feel like we weren’t actually in the real world anymore.

Suddenly the glow dimmed... and then grew bright again, and I tensed. Was someone else about to appear? Someone dressed as a Twenties-era gangster?

Another Angelis?

Because I realized that this had to have something to do with them. The men were giants and too beautiful to be real, and they were keeping some magic glowing device in an empty room in their mansion. They had to know this was here. The woman in the skirt suit had to be related to them somehow.

My brain was jamming on that part, though, like it couldn’t quite put the pieces together.

Fucking surprising, eh?

The glow dimmed again, but before anything else happened, the door behind me opened and someone burst through. Whoever they were, they grabbed at my suit and yanked me backward toward the door.

I whirled around, ready to murder whoever was grabbing at me, but froze when I saw the girl standing there. Her green eyes were even brighter now, her blond hair flying around her face like she’d stuck her finger in a light socket. I noticed now that her fair skin was covered in freckles, her lips full enough to sit in a permanent pout. And she looked translucent, like I might be able to reach right through her.

Then she started glowing.

“How long have you been in here?” she breathed. “We have to get out of the house. They might already know you’ve seen it.”

“What?” I gasped. “Who might know I’ve seen what? You mean the glow machine in here? What is that? There was a woman?—”

I didn’t get to finish. The girl slapped a hand over my mouth, her eyes growing even larger.

“Don’t say it,” she pled. “Keep your mouth shut about anything you might have seen. If they know, you’ll be in even more danger. They can’t. Know. Anything. Do you understand me?”

I didn’t understand one fucking thing. The girl, the mansion, the Angelis—it was all beyond comprehension. And never mind that fucking glow machine. I was itching to get my guns in my hands and shoot my way out of here. Get out onto the street and into my car, then haul ass for the streets of Brooklyn, where things made sense.

I mean I’d done what I planned to do. I’d made contact with Antony Angelis and secured a deal. Mission accomplished. Officially I could go home and get into my bed, try to forget any of this had ever happened.

Except I now suspected Antony Angelis wasn’t what we thought he was. His sons, either. I knew he was hiding some sort of transport something in a room in his house and that he had women too beautiful for words coming out of that transport thing. I also knew that this blond girl was trying to save me, and that I wanted to let her. My skin was burning at her touch and I could already feel myself falling under her spell again. No woman had ever touched me like this, and I wasn’t sure what to make of it.

But I wanted to learn more about her.

And if she could tell me more about what the Angelis were doing, even better. Because I loved Joseph Rossi like a brother. I wasn’t going to let him make an alliance with a man hiding women in his basement.

Okay, right, we weren’t exactly the most upstanding people around. I’d killed more men than I could count and Joseph had kidnapped his best friend and seduced her when they were both running for their lives. We weren’t angels.

But I didn’t hold with men who trafficked women, and it sure as hell looked like that was what Antony was into. If that was true, I couldn’t let Joseph build an alliance with him.

I had to know the truth.

The machine—or whatever it was—brightened again, filling the room with a warm golden glow, and I turned to see the shadow of another person in the light. Another woman, and this time I could see the wings attached to her body and stretching up over her head.

She looked like an angel.

And those wings definitely had feathers.

Chapter 8


Adrenaline rushed through my body as I dragged the man down the hallway toward the door I needed. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Bad enough that he’d seen the Glow. No human was supposed to see that, and I’d told Antony as much when he set it up in a room on the first floor of the mansion. It was too exposed there, I said. Too easy for some unsuspecting guest or employee to happen across it. But he’d insisted that it would be more convenient for both us and the travelers, and said that no one who saw it would understand what it actually was.

He evidently hadn’t considered the possibility of someone being in the room when a traveler arrived.

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