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It was open, so I walked in and stood, arms crossed, waiting for Derrick to look up.

After what felt like several minutes, he finally gave me attention. "Yes?"

"Mr. Teresse has unfortunately decided to go in another direction," I said, seething.

Derrick turned his full attention to me. "Is that so?"

"He wasn't impressed with my designs, said he didn't care for the bold, abrupt changes."

"So you've lost us the contract?" Derrick stood, irritation warping his paunchy face.

"I think you lost the contract, actually."

"You're fired. Get out."

I spun on my heel and left.

At least I would never have to deal with this awful man again.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Icollected my things and drove home, not bothering to tell Shell about the abysmal state of my life. She would probably try to console me and rationalize the bright side, but I didn't want the bright side. I just wanted to go home with my tail between my legs. Pajamas, a whole box of cosmic brownies, and lots of sulking.

This was the sort of day I used to soothe by visiting Mystery Guy in my mind, but those thoughts were no longer a sanctuary. It turned out the man behind the mystery was an a-hole.

He tricked me into thinking he was something special, that we had something special. None of it mattered. All he cared about was his new club, more than even hearing me out about what happened with Derrick.

I was alone with nowhere left to hide. The pain of losing my job was nothing compared to the loss of my sanctuary. I felt cold, naked, and out of sorts. And all I wanted to do was run back to him.

Tears slipped down my cheeks, and I let them fall. What else could I do? It hurt like a bitch.

Shell flipped on the light, and I recoiled, squeezing my grainy eyes closed. Was it after five already? Shell threw her purse on the counter and plopped down on the sofa next to me, brushing some snack wrappers onto the floor.

"Something tells me this isn't a celebration for one."

I moaned and rolled into the sofa cushion, hiding my tear-stained face. "What a disaster," I mumbled into the pillow.

"Wanna talk about it?"

I shook her head and burrowed deeper into the couch.

"Could you tell me, anyway? I need to know who I'm putting a hit out on."

"Derrick changed my design and forwarded it. Raph didn't like it, and I got fired."

Shell laid down on top of me. I thought it was for comfort until Shell started digging under the blanket I had tangled around me.

"Aha! Thanks. I'll be taking this. I'm not giving you the chance to make a mistake."

Shell walked off into her room with my phone, and I didn't chase after her. Shell had a reason for everything she did, and I didn't have the energy to question it.

After an episode or two of Friends played, Shell came back and sat down with me.

"C'mon, babe. Sit up."

"Why? Let me have this. Just today. It was the worst day of my life. Let me imagine I'm sinking into this couch and never coming back out." I whined as I pulled myself into a half-sitting position, hugging my knees.

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