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"Let me take you there, to your aunt's house. It's the least I can do. And we'll push our meeting until later in the week, so please don't worry about that. You will get through this."

She nodded, but she had shrunk so far inside herself she couldn't muster up a smile. Seeing her like that broke something inside me. I wanted to protect her from this pain however I could, whatever it took.

"I'll just be a couple of minutes. Do you want to come up?"

I nodded, and we got out. The day ahead was a long one, and I needed to stretch my legs.

She left me in the kitchen when we walked into her apartment. While she did whatever she needed to, I took a look around the apartment, committing it to memory. There were hints of Lia everywhere. This short visit felt more intimate. I was seeing Lia's real life in all its ugliness. She didn't want anyone to see it, and she was letting me.

I didn't care what we ended up doing today, I wanted to be with her. It was our day together. If dealing with a family crisis was on the menu, then that was the plan. There was nowhere else I would rather be.

Lia returned clutching a small packed bag and wearing old, warm-looking clothes. It didn't matter how she dressed, her beauty still shone through.

"Sorry I have nothing for you to change into. You can't be comfortable doing all this driving with what you have."

I waved her off, chuckling. "I'm used to it, I assure you. Are you all ready to hit the road?"

We drove for several hours listening to the radio, my hand resting on her knee while she stared out the window. But as the songs blended together, I got restless.

"What's the plan when we arrive?"

"I'll try to get my mom to tell me what happened, and what'll happen next. We'll go from there. I don't think my aunt has space for her. My cousins still live at home, so I'm surprised that's where she was. I might need to get her back to my apartment. I should probably call Shell and talk to her about that."

The more she spoke, the more uneasy she became. I didn't have family, but even with her mother, it seemed Lia's life wasn't easier.

I'll help you through this.

"She can stay in a hotel, on me. It's no trouble."

Lia shook her head and looked over at me. "Raph, you don't have to. It's too much. This has nothing to do with you."

"It's nothing. It'll make things easier for all of you, right?"

"Let's cross that bridge when we come to it. I still don't know the situation."

"What do you know?"

"My mom's health isn't very good, and her doctor was worried enough that he asked me about her. He's known about how Mom lives. As of now, I think he is probably at the root of all this."

"This being…"

"Her being forced to leave the house. Which, for the record, is absolutely for the best."

When we arrived at Lia's aunt's house after a few more hours, I didn't know whether to keep driving, or step into the chaos unraveling on the front lawn. There was an argument in progress with neighbors watching it unfold from their porches. Two older women screamed at each other, complete with vigorous arm gestures and accusatory pointing.

I cut the engine in front of the house and everyone outside turned and stared as we approached.

"Hello Amelia," one of the women addressed Lia with unexpected calm.

She waved and walked over to the two angry women, her posture tight and straight. She was so tense, and I hurt for her.

At Lia's request, I stayed by the car. I would intervene if it became necessary, though. I didn't want to encroach until she knew what we were dealing with.

"Mom. Tell me what's happening. Please."

"Why should I tell you anything? You're the reason I'm in this fucking mess!" The less calm woman crossed her arms over herself, her face screwed up in fury.

Her mom didn't say anything else, and Lia turned to the calmer woman.

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