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Shell returned to the living room in pajamas, with a freshly washed face, and her two-day-old going out hair wrangled into an extremely messy bun.

"What's up for date night tonight?"

Shell grinned sheepishly and flopped down next to me on the sofa. "I'm all yours, babe. I'm so tired from being out all night. It'll be an early Saturday for me, for sure."

Maybe twenty-eight was catching up to Shell a little bit after all.

We browsed Netflix until we settled on a nostalgic rom-com for girls' night in, just as we did every Saturday night as long as we lived together. Shell made some microwave popcorn and settled into her favorite spot on the couch.

"Want some?" She pushed the bowl into the middle of the empty seat toward me.

"Sure." I pulled the bowl of buttery goodness my way.

My phone pinged. I rolled my eyes, expecting an email from Derrick, but a text lit up my phone screen.

"What was that?" Shell asked through a mouth full of popcorn.


Raph: Hey, Lia. Busy?

I keyed a quick response, saying I was free, but guilt set in as soon as I tapped send.

He responded almost instantly, saying he wanted to get together, get a drink. This wasn't what I had been anticipating for my night, and conflict danced through my mind. What to do?

Wasn't he supposed to be out of town for a few days? If he wasn't gone, what did he want from me this late? My mind immediately jumped to the dirtiest of places. My cheeks heated incriminatingly.

"Ooh, is it Mr. Mystery Guy? Texting this late, is he?" Shell gave me a sly smile. "Go out. God knows I have no room to judge." Shell always had a smile ready for me. What would I do without my girl?

"But it's girls' night, and I have all the details from the last few days locked and loaded."

I didn't want to bail on my friendship tradition, but the very real want to go out made that hard. Exhaustion be damned, I wanted to go out.

Shell laughed and shook her head. "Oh, babe, we started staying in for you, not for me. I use it as an excuse to get too drunk on Fridays. Go out. Have fun. He's so hot. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Or do."

"I feel like I haven't slept in ages. Maybe I should stay."

"Babe. I know how stressful going home to see your mom must have been, but do you hear yourself right now?" Shell gripped my shoulders and gave me a little shake, her eyes shining with mischief. "Sleep is for the weak! This is the man of your freakin' dreams asking you out for 'a drink,'" Shell made air quotes with her fingers. "Something tells me if you get your cute butt out there and meet him, you aren't going to want to sleep. At least, not the way you're talking about now."

I looked down at my lap, my heart fluttering and protesting its confines in my chest. Should I go out?

Shell reached her hand into my line of sight and waved. She grabbed my phone out of my lap and sent Raphael an affirmative answer.

"Go! Get ready!"

I hugged her and extricated myself from the comfortable couch cocoon.

I dashed clumsily into my room to throw on something decent. I swapped my fuzzy pants and ratty camisole for a long-sleeved shirt with some lace detailing on the lower part of the sleeves and pair of teal skinny jeans. A quick swipe of mascara and lip gloss and I was ready to go out. On a Saturday. For the first time in forever. Maybe ever?

I toed on a pair of ballet flats and did a final look in the mirror, taking a deep calming breath. Even though Raph had invited me for a drink, there were heavier implications when one went out after nine with no professional agenda. My stomach flip-flopped with excitement and a hint of arousal. The possibilities sent thrilling running down my body.

I kissed Shell's cheek on my way out the door.

"Go get 'em, tiger! I'm so proud of you, babe."

"Thanks. Are we still going up to New York sometime?"

"Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me. I'll let you know as soon as I can. Now get out of here! Be young, for God's sakes!"

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