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She ended the call before I could finish.

“I’ll do my best,” I muttered to myself on a defeated sigh.

Tears stung the backs of my eyes, and I furiously blinked them away to preserve the sultry makeup. A visit to see Mom was a trying task, one I’d neglected every opportunity since I left for college. My childhood home and surviving family were the stuff of nightmares.

The intercom for my building crackled. The driver was waiting downstairs. Shell told him it would only be another minute, and she approached my bedroom door. No more time for sadness. I’d figure out the situation with mom as soon as I could.

“Hey, gorgeous woman! Your chariot awaits. Look at you. I won’t wait up.” Shell wiggled her brows, grinning.

I did look amazing, quite unlike Lia from this morning, or any other time. Always Plain Jane, never the one in the striking dress and killer heels.

Shell walked me out into the kitchen and helped me into my grey tweed peacoat so I didn’t mess up my hair. I gave her a nervous and grateful hug.

“You’re shaking! Stop. You got this, Lia. I mean it. Go get you a man.”


Shell chuckled. “Have fun. Promise?”

My body hummed as I walked down the stairs and out into the parking lot. Being alone with Raph had my senses in overdrive. It was the way he looked at me this morning. I wanted more.

Brisk air caught my hair as I reached the car and driver.

“Good evening, Miss Hall.” He had the door open for me.

“Where are we headed?” I asked the older gentleman as he pulled out of the lot.

“Mr. Teresse has made reservations for the two of you at La Bistrot downtown, ma’am.”

He picked an intimate setting. I had assumed he would choose something younger and trendier; check out his local competition, although I had never been to one of his clubs. Maybe La Bistrot was the competition. I didn’t yet know what I was dealing with.

Raphael stood by the door of the restaurant when we arrived. His navy blue suit brought warmth out of his skin, and his stately posture gave me a buzz. The man held undeniable appeal. I couldn’t unglue my eyes even as my heart hammered.

“Hi.” I approached with my hand extended. This was a business dinner, and I needed to remember that.

His large hand enveloped mine and drew it to his mouth, lightly brushing his lips against the tops of my fingers. I could feel his breath on me, and it warmed me through.

“Thank you for meeting me this evening. We have plenty to review,” he said, holding up a manila folder. He still held my hand.

I nodded, and he looped his arm through mine, guiding me through the doors of La Bistrot. I took careful steps beside him, tense. The dinner was nerve-racking. If I wasn’t so preoccupied with anxiety, excitement would flood my senses and make me loopy. Dinner with a man like this? Dream career on dinner’s heels? Gotta get me some of that.

The hostess led us back to a secluded table lit only with candles and sophisticated crystal lights on long, varied chains. The ambiance whispered romance, and the world around us hushed. Mr. Teresse put in a drink order as he took his seat.

I sat, too, and smoothed my new dress, then peered across the table at my potential new boss. The most striking man I’d ever seen.

Lock down the star-struck feeling, Lia.

“Shall we jump right in?” I eyed the folder still clutched in his hand.

“We brushed over what I’m looking for at your… let’s call it impromptu, pitch this morning. Allow me to be more clear.” His unwavering gaze pinned me in place. “I need diligence. A strong, unrelenting drive toward perfection. I need to see who you are. In person and design.”

His face was friendly, but the words pierced straight through my cool facade like a white-hot dart. So direct.

Somewhere along the way, I lost enough calm poise to grab his attention. Why else would he tell me to be myself? We hadn’t begun, and I was already messing this up.

“I’m glad you’re giving me the chance to show my stuff. I know I can deliver. You say you want diligence. I can and will deliver until the newest Experience is open for business. I have a lot of ideas to bring your vision to life. You have me for as long as you need me.” I paused. “Or want me.”

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