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Miller and Holly seemed almost too impressed with the change in Maci and Dawson. They had gone from being puny high school kids to successful adults. They seemed almost in awe of their accomplishments.

Holly seemed taken with Maci and she asked her questions about her job, her life in New York. Maci answered and with a note of pride in her voice. Holly seemed both surprised and impressed with the strides Maci had made since high school.

Maci seemed to have a new confidence about her since Dawson’s peptalk. A subtle but powerful presence that was both intimidating and captivating. This was the version of Maci he knew.

He watched her eyes as she spoke, looking for any sign of the timidness he knew so well, but the spark he felt only grew. She had changed, and he wanted to know her even better.

Finally, Dawson focused on Maci’s words as she told them of his newfound wealth and status. She was gloating on me, but he couldn’t help but be impressed by the air of confidence she carried. It was like a silent challenge to the world, and he wanted to know what it felt like to take it on.

“We got other people to see.” Dawson took her hand in his and led her back to the bar. He felt like a different person; emboldened by her presence and eager to explore. As they entered, the buzz of conversation and the clinking of glasses filled the air, and Dawson let out a sigh of relief.

“To new beginnings,” he said, clinking his glass against hers.

She smiled, and the silence between them was comfortable. It felt like the barriers he had built around himself were melting away, replaced by the profound connection between them.

As the night went on, Dawson felt a warmth radiating from Maci. She was full of life and ambition, and he knew no matter what the future held, he wanted to be part of it.

Holly stood on the stage and stared out into the auditorium. Anticipation and tension in the air like a thick fog. She cleared her throat and began.

“Good evening.” Her voice echoing throughout the auditorium. Her classmates looked up at her, some with curiosity and others with trepidation.

“As many of you know, twenty years ago, we gathered together to create a time capsule to commemorate our high school graduation. It was a chance for us to look ahead to our future. We filled it with letters to ourselves that we were to open on our twentieth reunion.” At this, she paused and surveyed the faces. “Tonight, I am pleased to announce that the time capsule has been uncovered and is now open. I invite all of you to come and grab your message. Who knows what you wrote all those years ago? I certainly don’t.”

With that, she stepped away from the podium, and Dawson watched as the line formed in front of the table by the stage, holding everyone’s letters.

Dawson was curious. He had no recollection of what he had written to himself, but an odd sense of anticipation had taken hold of him. He thought back to the day that he had written the letter: what had he wanted to be when he was eighteen? What had his hopes and dreams been? He had no way of knowing, but now he was eager to find out.

Tension was coiling in his chest as he grabbed Maci’s hand and they made their way into the line forming in front of the table. She asked if he remembered what he wrote and he shook his head. He asked if she could, and she said she was pretty sure it was something along the lines of having a good job, a nice house, and a house full of kids, but she could be wrong.

Dawson was antsy until they finally made it up to the front of the line and he grabbed his card. Maci and he stepped to the side and opened up their cards. Sweat formed on the back of his neck.

Maci looked at him, worry creasing her forehead. “It can’t be that bad.” She reached out and grabbed the piece of paper from his hands, shoving him away when he tried to take it back. With trembling fingers, she unfolded the note and read the words aloud.

The note read: In twenty years, I will be living in a big city, in love and married to my best friend, Maci, with our dream house full of kids.

Maci stared at Dawson, her eyes wide with disbelief, the paper clutched in her hand. His heart thudded in his ribcage, realizing the powerful meaning of the note now more than ever. He raised his gaze to meet Maci’s, the shimmering tears in her eyes as a reflection of his own emotions. She sniffed lightly, her voice quivering as she spoke. “Did you mean it?” she asked.

He swallowed and nodded, unable to find the words for what he felt. Finally, after some moments of silence, his voice became a low rumble from deep within. “Will all my heart.”

Maci’s face lit up with joy, and she moved closer to him, her eyes sparkling with emotion. She grabbed his face between her hands and kissed him deeply, their mouths merging together in a passionate embrace.

Dawson could feel himself flying high, the sensual power of Maci’s kiss taking his breath away. When they broke apart, they both were wearing ear-to-ear grins.

“Can I see yours?” He asked, and she stepped back slightly, her posture guarded.

“It’s only fair, I guess.” She said as she handed him the notecard. He read it silently: In twenty years, I want to have achieved great success surrounded by a loving husband like Dawson and beautiful children.

He couldn’t believe his eyes. His throat tightened, his heart aching with understanding. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked softly.

A single tear escaped her eye, and she looked away, unable to meet his gaze. “I was scared,” she whispered. “I always thought that if I opened my heart to you, then you’d leave.”

He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her in an embrace, resting his chin on the top of her head. “I would never leave,” he said gently, his voice trembling slightly with emotion. Somehow, fate had brought them together; this city, this reunion. “Fate has given us a second chance. It may have taken us years to find each other again, but we are here now.”



Dawson knew it was time to go. He felt the weight of the years since high school pushing on his chest and he wanted to focus on them, not their bullies. He turned to her with a hopeful look in his eyes and said, “Do you wanna get out of here? Maybe go back to the hotel and grab a drink and talk?” A relieved smile spread across her face as she replied, “I’d love to.”

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