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“What?” I’m shocked.

“Sorry, it’s the way the auction works. If we let you just pay extra, we’ll have others try the same thing.”

“Are others being tricked into spending a day with a man who’s no good for them?” I ask, now angry.

“I can’t discuss the other auctions. Anything else you need, Georgia?” Elly asks.

I don’t answer, I just hang up the phone and flip it off for good measure. I bared my soul and got nothing in return. I hate it here. Maybe I’ll move. I’m sure they need accountants in Portugal. I start looking up how to move to Portugal and taking notes. Planning a pretend escape makes me feel a little better.

COWBOY: Are you okay?

ME: I’m fine. Planning a move.

COWBOY: Really, where to?

ME: Portugal. I’m applying for jobs and housing.

So, I can’t do the cowboy for a day thing. So sorry.

COWBOY: We can schedule it

for before you move.

ME: Super busy, sorry

COWBOY: Can I see you later?

ME: I don’t know. What else is there to say?

COWBOY: So much, wildflower, so much.

I sit staring at his text for at least ten minutes. I do want to see him, but there isn’t a point. Nothing good can come from it and I know that it’s just his ego that makes him want to meet up and talk. Or maybe he wants a repeat of last night. There is a part of me that argues he might feel the same way I do. That what he did when we were eighteen was because he was afraid of getting hurt and that he’s ready to be mine now. What if I’m the one running now when he’s standing right there?

It’s so frustrating not knowing what to do.

My phone rings and my heart jumps at the thought of it being Boone, but it’s Shelby.

“Hello, Shelby,” I answer quietly.

“You’re moving to Portugal?” she asks, nearly hysterical.

“What? Where did you hear that?”

“I might have read it over Boone’s shoulder. He was in front of me at the store. Also, you totally left him hanging and he calls you wildflower. It’s so sweet. You’re also in his phone as wild girl.”

“You shouldn’t read other people’s texts. It’s rude. I’m not moving to Portugal. Don’t you think you would have been the first person I told? I’m trying to get out of the Cowboy Day thing.”

“Why are you trying to get out of it? You and Boone are obviously talking and stuff. So it wouldn’t be that bad, would it?” she asks, not knowing everything that’s happening and I’m not gonna tell her either.

“Boone and I are like oil and vinegar. We shouldn’t be paired together. It’s a mess. He told me he broke up with me back then for my own good.”

“Yeah, that’s what I’ve been telling you for twelve years. He didn’t do it because he didn’t like you. He was moping around town after you left for school and I don’t think that he’s ever had a serious relationship with anyone else. I know you guys weren’t serious, bruised heart, yada, yada, yada…” I hear her whisper to someone but can’t hear what she says. “Also, oil and vinegar go together. It’s literally salad dressing.”

“Whatever. I don’t know what to do, Shelby. I don’t want to get hurt and the only person that has that power is Boone. I don’t think I’m brave enough to let him get close. It’s easier this way.”

“I can do your Cowboy Day for you. Technically I’m the one that made the bid. I did it in your name, but the money came from my account.”

“You would do that?” Why does my stomach hurt at the idea of Shelby taking my place? Is it because she would be with Boone or because I wouldn’t be with him?

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