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Today is the day. The wait is over and finally Georgia is going to become Mrs. Lowe. The ceremony is supposed to start in five minutes and everyone is getting into place.

We are standing under an arch full of wildflowers and daisies. It’s an odd combination, but what Georgia wants, Georgia gets. The importance to us is all that matters.

Music swells and the bridesmaids and maid-of-honor walk down the aisle looking lovely. Then the music changes and everyone starts to laugh. My bride is walking down the aisle to “Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy”. She really is crazy.

But, fuck, she’s also gorgeous. Her dress is beautiful, but the smile that’s all for me is what I see. As her father hands her over he wishes me good luck. Her family has taken me on as one of them and I love all of them.

“Did you like the song, cowboy?” she asks as we get into our places.

“Sure did, wildflower. Can’t wait for you to ride this cowboy tonight.”

The preacher coughs, “Um, there’s a mic right here.”

I look out at all our friends and family who are laughing, red-faced, or somewhere in between.

“Did they think anything else was happening on our wedding night?” I ask Georgia.

Her only answer is a shrug of her shoulders. We both turn toward the preacher and wait for him to start. It’s the only thing that’s going to get us out of this. Luckily he quickly does.

I try to pay attention during the ceremony, but I mostly just stare at my beautiful bride. She’s radiant today and I hope no one expects us to be at the reception for very long.

“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

“Fucking finally,” my very ladylike wife says.

I pull her to me and kiss Georgia for the first time as husband and wife. I work to keep the kiss PG-13, but it’s difficult.

We break apart, breathing hard, and turn to face the crowd who start clapping. We walk down the aisle, again to Georgia’s chosen song.

After we clear the crowd, I pull her back to me and go back to kissing her. I wonder if we can skip the whole reception. Maybe we can be late…

Epilogue 2


Marriage is awesome. We’re only fifteen hours in, but so far it’s been champagne, cake, and sex. I highly recommend it.

I’ve packed my bags for our honeymoon, but Boone has kept it a secret where we are going. All I know is that I need a passport and to pack warm weather clothes.

We are headed to the airport now, so I should be able to figure out where we are going when we get there. Surely he can’t hide our destination once we are boarding an actual plane.

My dad is driving us to the airport, so I’m trying to get information out of him. “Do you know where we are going, Dad?”

“Sure do. You should always leave your itinerary for someone at home. Just in case,” he answers.

“So…where are we going?” I’m too tired from the party last night and getting up early to be sneaky.

“Somewhere warm.”

“I hate that you two like each other. Why can’t you be a normal dad and hate the man who sleeps with your only daughter?”

They both just laugh. I don’t really mean that, I love their relationship, just not when they are ganging up on me.

We pull up to the drop-off at the airport and the men unload the luggage. My dad and Boone shake hands and Boone promises to take care of me. Dad comes around and gives me a big hug.

“Have a good time kids,” he says as he gets back in the car.

We wave as he drives off and then roll our suitcases into the airport. Just inside the door, Boone stops and turns to me.

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