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“Where the hell have you been, cowboy?”

Georgia sits up as well as she can, a painful grimace crossing her face, still gently cradling the baby that’s been in her arm. The baby is still asleep, which is surprising given the volume of Georgia’s question.

Georgia’s brother, Guy, comes and rescues his son, giving me a “don’t fuck with my baby sister” look at the same time.

I walk toward Georgia, taking in every bit of her beauty. She’s dressed in sweatpants and a tank top, with no make-up and her hair a mess on top of her head. She looks beautiful. The bruises have started to fade, but every time she moves her face contorts with pain. She’s still hurting, and I haven’t been here to help her.

“Stop right there, mister.” She points her finger to emphasize every word.

I freeze, holding my breath.

“I want to know one thing before you take one more step.”

“Anything, wildflower, ask me anything.”

“Was the accident your fault?”

She sounds so tough, but her hands are shaking. My own heart is pounding. This is a big moment and we both know my answer here can change everything.

I look around and we are the only two people in the room. Her whole family had cleared out to give us privacy.

“Was the accident my fault? I’ve asked myself that question over and over for the last three weeks. You know that while you were in the hospital I blamed myself and that’s why I left when you were going home. You had told me that I was dangerous to you and that had been proven right. This last week though, I’ve realized that it wasn’t my fault that what happened with the horse happened. Breaking your heart afterward though, that’s on me. I’m so sorry.”

Georgia holds her hand out and I grab it like a lifeline. I sit on the sofa where her head was before, and she lays back in my lap. “I’ve missed you, Boone. So many times this last week I’ve wanted to tell you something and you weren’t there.”

“I know. I won’t ever leave you again.” I lean down a kiss her softly.

“Do you promise? My heart can’t take another break.” Tears form in her eyes.

I swallow the lump in my throat. “I promise you, Georgia, I will never leave you again. You’re gonna get so sick of me. You’ll be kicking me out of your house.”

She shakes her head, causing her to realize that my cock is rock hard.


“I’m in the same room as you, so….”

“I look like a gargoyle. I’m black, blue, yellow, and green all over. My leg is in a cast, and I’ve barely brushed my hair in a week.”

“And you still look irresistible.”

I kiss her again and this time it gets a little more passionate. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, we are interrupted by Chris.

“Is everything okay in here?” he asks.

“I think so,” Georgia answers looking up at me.

I nod.

“Mother wants to know if you’re staying for dinner.”

“He is,” she says to her brother. Once he’s left the room, she looks at me nervously. “I’m sorry I answered for you. You don’t have to stay unless you want to.”

“Wildflower, I’m staying. I told you I’m not leaving again, and I meant it.”

Her smile is contagious, and I smile back at her. We sit and tell each other about our bad week apart until dinner is ready.

“Hey, cowboy, how did you know I was here?” Georgia asks as I help her off the sofa.

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