Page 67 of Ruthless Promise

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She looked broken. And it gutted him.

When she got to the truck, he reached for the long strap of the duffel slung over her shoulder. After they loaded her father into the back of the ambulance, she’d taken off for her father’s room to gather some of his things. The way she muttered off a list to herself, saying that her daddy would want this or that, broke Colton’s heart too.

There were very few people left on earth who could earn that kind of concern from him. A few military buddies he’d served with…and Meadow.

She tilted her head up, looking at him with those huge, beautiful eyes.

Wordlessly, he took the bag from her and tossed it into the back of the truck. After she settled in the seat, he leaned in to brush his lips between her furrowed brows. Under his lips, he felt them pucker more.

“I caused this.”

He drew back, shaking his head. “No.” He almost said that he saw it coming with her father—the man was up to more than he was letting on. While he didn’t know what it was yet, Forest had suspected it too. Sharing his thoughts with Meadow—now—wouldn’t help ease her guilt or worry.

He cradled her cheek. “Let’s get to the hospital.”

As he closed the door, he spotted the ranch hands gathered outside, talking quietly. Zach’s stare followed Colton, but he ignored the guy. Whatever the ranch manager had to say about Sean Gracey’s heart attack would only upset Meadow.

Giving them a nod, Colton climbed behind the wheel and shot down the driveway. The blue lights of the clock on the dash revealed the late hour. Three a.m. Darkness swallowed the vehicle, only penetrated by the white beams of the headlights.

Reaching out, he settled a hand over Meadow’s where it rested on her thigh. Her skin was cool, her fingers lax, as if she couldn’t even muster the strength to react to his touch.

“I know you’re really upset, baby. But know that I’m here for you—whatever happens.”

A quiet sob tore from her. She bowed her head and for several moments, succumbed to her tears. He located a tissue in the console and passed it to her. She took it and mopped her eyes and nose.

“I’ve lost everyone, Colton. I can’t lose him too.”

“I know.”

She jerked her head to pierce him in her gaze. “You don’t know! You didn’t lose your parents and your brother.”

Falling still, he contemplated her claim. “That’s where you’re wrong. I’m not downplaying your pain—not at all. But my parents gave up on me when I was young and sent me away, to be raised by people they paid. I might as well have been alone. And the people I did accept into my world—a family I claimed as mine…”

He trailed off, struggling.

“Go on.” Her soft tone urged him with a note of compassion.

His throat seemed to bulge around the lump in it. “Forest was my brother too, Meadow.”

Her fingers fastened on his, and she clung to him the rest of the drive to the hospital.

When they reached the building, Colton took a page from Meadow’s book and parked in a spot designated for personnel only. She gave him a pointed glance but said nothing.

When they located the front desk and asked about her father’s condition, they were directed to a waiting room.

Colton took a seat next to Meadow and leaned forward with his elbows braced on his knees. He despised this kind of thing. While he’d never gone with a friend to the hospital, he’d carried plenty to safety. Something he never forgot was the feel of another man’s blood seeping through his own clothes.

Meadow seemed beside herself, leaning back in her chair and staring at the ceiling, then folding in half and dropping her face into her hands before repeating the cycle.

When he could stand her torment no more, he drew her into his lap. She curled against his chest and he tucked her head beneath his chin.

“Did you mean what you said about me, Colton?”

He brushed his lips over her hair. “What part?”

“About me being yours.”

He squeezed her closer. “You are mine. You belong to me. I think I knew it before I ever got off that plane.”

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