Page 49 of Ruthless Promise

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There she was, taking over his thoughts again. Dammit, he had to focus.

As the long row of fencing that encircled acres of grazing land came into view, he slowed his horse. To him, it seemed fine to simply ride along the fence and ensure it was still standing after the storm. Webb had other ideas. Whether it was to get him out of the way for longer, he’d instructed Colton to test every single fencepost and ensure it was rock solid.

He dismounted and hobbled the horse so it grazed within whistling range. Then he set about testing the posts.

The low chirp of insects in the high grasses and the whisper of the wind provided soothing music. The sun warmed him through his shirt, and both conspired to make him sleepy.

After all, he wasn’t sleeping well with Meadow prancing around nude in his dreams.

When his phone buzzed, he jolted with surprise.

Only one person knew this number—Ross Wynton from WEST Protection. As soon as he glanced at the caller ID, he brought the phone to his ear.


“Hey, Nox. Just checking in on you. Haven’t heard anything in a couple days.”

“About that…the boss man’s still away. I just don’t think it’s right to take off without talking to him first.”

“Damn. We could really use another guy on the team. If we get you in here by week’s end, we can put you straight into the training program.”

Colton didn’t realize he’d twisted to stare out over the landscape. When he focused, he saw the big ranch house and thought of Meadow all alone here, with only that asshole Webb and a group of ranch hands who like watching out for her a little too much.

He bit back a groan. “Sorry, Ross. I need a little more time.”

“I understand. I’ll wait to hear from you.”

“Sounds good. Thanks.”

Long after the call ended, Colton stood there, fence forgotten, rethinking that promise he’d made to Forest. When had it become a commitment Colton made…but for his own reasons?

Chapter Thirteen

Through the darkness, Meadow followed the strains of a guitar and the flicker of firelight. The guys often gathered around a bonfire. Zach was pretty good on the guitar, and he had a decent singing voice too—the closest they all got to entertainment on a Wednesday night.

Once the ranch was put to bed and the animals were all tended to, they had little else to fill their time besides drinking, playing cards or sitting around a fire shooting the breeze.

As she rounded the barn and set eyes on the group of guys, she automatically counted heads.

Dude and Webb, along with the other four guys.

And Colton.

She missed her next stride and was forced to slow her steps even as heat shot through her stomach.

God, Colton’s face outlined by firelight…it just did things to her whole body. He wore his hat low over his eyes, creating a line of impenetrable shadow.

Reminded of their interlude in the cave, she envisioned Colton’s eyes, how they were as deep as night and glittering with lust that first time, and then passion after that.

She wrapped her arms around herself as she slowly approached the fire. Webb looked up from the strings of his guitar and saw her first.

She looked at each man, finally landing on Colton.

“Meadow.” His gruff tone edged under her skin—and made her skin erupt in goose bumps.

One of the seats had been left vacant for her. She moved to it and sat down between Dude and Zach—directly across from the man she couldn’t stop thinking about.

Dude pulled out a tin of chewing tobacco and offered it to her. With a chuckle, she shook her head. He took a pinch and stuffed it into his bottom lip. They all settled in to listen to Zach pluck the strings.

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