Page 27 of Ruthless Promise

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Colton swiped his fingertip across Meadow’s stiffened clit. Her body rolled upward, her hips rocking in the air with untamed desire.

Unable to tear his gaze away from her beautiful face, he strummed her clit again and again, driving her hard and fast toward the end she’d asked him to deliver.

She’d stripped away his control when she threw her naked body against his. The second he felt her body heat seeping through his clothes, and her shivering in his arms, he lost it.

This was the result.

He’d face the consequence later.

Her wide, unblinking eyes burned with passion she’d tamped down for too many years when she should have had a trail of partners she left in the dust before he came along.

He was not going to be her first—he was just going to make her come, then walk away.

Cock battering his fly, he circled his finger around and around her clit, pressing down before releasing and watching her pupils dilate wider.

She opened her mouth to say something, but he cut her off, slamming his mouth over hers and plunging his tongue inside.

He tasted her need. Hell, he smelled it. The honeyed scent mingled with the breath of mountain air and the earth he spread her out on.

Forcing his thigh between hers, he nudged her wider for him. She gasped into his mouth, but he wasn’t about to let up until she was shaking apart with his name on her lips.

Slowly, he dipped his finger inside her soaking wet opening to the first knuckle. She took him easy, so he slid it the rest of the way inside her tight sheath.

Fuck! His balls throbbed. He was going to blow just from fingering the woman like he had fingered his date in the back of his granddad’s minivan senior year of high school.

Her body tensed. Breaking the kiss, he searched her face and saw the strain in her features. When he lowered his mouth to her breast and took the sharp nipple into his mouth, she let out a rough cry.

Withdrawing his finger, he ground his thumb into her clit. Her body responded by flooding his hand with juices that he was damn well going to taste after he walked away from this.

That’s as far as I’ll go.

He told himself the same thing about the spanking—numerous times. Yet here he was, pushed to the limits, finger-fucking Forest’s little sister on the bank of a pond.

She arched her back, forcing her hardened nipple deeper into his mouth. He delivered a sucking pull followed by swipe of his tongue. At the same time, he slid his finger into her sweet pussy again.

A gasp escaped her. Then she stopped breathing.

With a pulse of her hips, she let go, mouth open on a silent cry, her eyes squeezed shut in the most beautiful display of pleasure Colton had ever seen in his whole goddamned life.

Her pussy walls clenched around his finger, and he couldn’t stop pounding into her while grinding her clit into her body, forcing more and more pleasure out of her.

He would wring out every last drop.

That would have to be enough.

When she collapsed to the ground, he released her straining nipple and withdrew his hand from between her legs.

Doing a pushup overtop her damn near stole the last remnant of his control, but somehow—somehow—he managed to shove to his feet.

She lay there panting, eyes wide and luminous, body twitching. Her skin wore the red marks of his roughness with her. Fact was, she probably didn’t even realize it.


Once she went home and looked in the mirror, she’d see, and she would hate him.

He already hated himself.

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