Page 55 of Alien in Disguise

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My friends squealed.

“I’m so happy for you!” Holly grabbed me in a hug.

“Congratulations!” Giselle said.

“Once you go alien, there’s no going back.” Millie grinned.

“You got married without us?” Kat cried.

“I’m sorry. I wish you all could have been with us,” I said. A judge at the Jericho complex had married us in a simple ceremony attended by Adele Abercrombie and Garrison. “With the galactic situation so uncertain—the embargo still in effect—we felt we needed to get some legal foundation to our relationship since Maxx isn’t supposed to be on New Terra.

“But, now that we’re on Nomoru…”

“We’re hoping you can attend our bond-mating ceremony,” Maxx finished.

“We’d like to hold it on Nomoru before we return to New Terra,” I said.

My friends squealed and hugged us.

“You’ll be my attendants?” I looked at the ladies.

“Of course!” they all answered with big smiles.

“You may hold the ceremony here in the palace,” Lomax offered.

“Thank you. That’s very generous,” I said. I hadn’t wanted to presume too much. “We have a special request. We’d like to invite Maxx’s mother and father—”

“Of course!” Aeon said.

“And…my next-door neighbor on New Terra. She is Maxx’s maternal grandmother.”

“Your mother is human?” Holly’s eyes widened.

“She was abducted as a young woman,” he explained. “My father rescued her, but because of the embargo, she couldn’t return home.

“Adele Abercrombie never lost hope her daughter was alive, but she never knew for sure. After Imana got captured, I introduced myself to my grandmother and revealed who I was. I promised to reunite them as soon as possible. Our bond-mating ceremony would be the reunion. But her ability to travel here will depend on how the General Assembly votes. Hopefully, we’ll have a positive outcome.”

“We’ll make it happen regardless of the outcome.” Aeon looked at Nadir.

“Absolutely.” Nadir nodded. “Just say the word—”

The open space on the stage shimmered.

“It’s starting!” Nadir said.

“Everybody sit down,” Lomax said.

More quick hugs and congratulations ensued, and then we took our seats.

“Here, you’ll need this.” Nadir passed me a small device.

“What’s this?”

“A portable translator. So you can understand what’s being said.”

“Thanks.” I stuck it in my ear.

Within moments, the members of the General Assembly in holographic form materialized on the stage, seated in tiers. The technology continued to amaze me. If I hadn’t seen them appear out of thin air, I would have sworn they were live people rather than holographic images beamed in from LOP’s headquarters.

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