Page 52 of Alien in Disguise

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“Very hard.”

“I like the sound of that.” She waggled her eyebrows and then sobered. “I kind of fell for you, too. That’s why I was so devastated when I thought you had been lying to me. I’m so sorry for jumping to the wrong conclusions.”

“It was my fault, too. Given what I’d told you and what I’d omitted, it’s not only understandable but logical you’d think what you did.”

Her mouth twisted. “I almost ruined everything by running to Imana, didn’t I?”

“But then you saved the day by passing her broach to Garrison. How did you get it?”

“Imana couldn’t resist bragging, showing off, so she removed the broach and revealed herself. When she wasn’t looking, I grabbed it.” She frowned. “Why did it work on you and not me?”

“It’s coded to Copan genetics. Garrison and I took out one of the Copan guards, and I assumed his place.”

“Can it be used to impersonate anybody?”

“As long as a vid of the individual is uploaded to the device. It needs an image to copy.”

She shook her head. “I’m still stunned that for three years, we had an alien as a president, and nobody suspected.” She screwed up her face and plucked at her tunic. “Once again, I’m a mess. I’d like to clean up. Care to join me in the shower?”

Showering wasn’t my favorite activity, but being with Jessie was. She grabbed my hand, and I let her pull me toward the bathroom. I’d go with her anywhere.

Inside the bedroom, she gasped. “My bed! Look at what those assholes did to my bed!” The mattress, slit open like the sofa, lay on the floor.

I flipped it over and set it on the frame. “Good as new.” For now, anyway. I tossed a top sheet over it. Don’t get distracted, I thought.

“Well, good enough—for now,” she replied.

The bath had been left untouched. We stripped and stepped into the stall. She moaned with pleasure as hot water rained over us, the sexual sound going straight to my cock. When she soaped a poufy ball and invited me to scrub her back, well, I started to gain a new appreciation for the human custom of bathing.

We washed and played, caressed and kissed until passion grew hotter than the water. We quickly dried with fluffy towels then kissed our way back to the bedroom and tumbled onto the mattress. It caved in under my weight where it had been slit, but I focused on Jessie’s rounded curves, smooth skin, and the heated sensations she aroused in me with her questing hands and mouth.

Languid intimate kisses and exploratory caresses became urgent and elicited gasps and frantic groans. I fondled her breasts, teasing the stiff nipples with my lips and tongue and urged her toward the peak by slipping my fingers between her legs and easing into the wet recesses.

She roamed her hands over my chest and abs, combing her fingertips through the regrowth of fur. She grasped my ridged shaft and pumped my cock, and I groaned with bliss.

When I pushed into her channel, hardness meeting softness, it was like coming home, finding myself, my purpose, my direction in life. I was meant to be with her. She was my present and my future.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my throat. “This is perfect. You are all I need,” she said.

“You are everything to me.”

When rapture came in a blaze of heat and motion, we soared together, united in desire, united in spirit and mind.

Words seemed unnecessary. Eyes closed, I held Jessie and savored the sensations of physical satisfaction and a full heart. I drifted in utter contentment until I felt the bed shake. I opened my eyes to find James Bond sitting on the end, watching us with an unblinking stare.

I nudged Jessie. She opened her eyes.

James Bond yawned.

“I think that’s an evaluation of my performance,” I said.

She laughed. “I was impressed, even if he wasn’t.”

The cat jumped down and snootily padded out of the bedroom.

“He probably wants to be fed,” she said. “I’ll get to it in a little bit.” She stretched and then hugged me tighter. As I kissed her hair, still wet from the shower, another smile crept across my face.

“Thinking about how good it was, huh?” Jessie joked.

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