Page 50 of Alien in Disguise

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“Maxx,” he confirmed.

I leaped out of the deactivated cell and flung myself into his arms to the gasps of my astonished cellmates. “How did you get here? What’s going on?”

A contingent of purple-uniformed men strode down the corridor. “Are they LOP?”

“Yes.” He smiled.

I turned to look at my cellmates. “The cavalry is here!”

Three agents halted beside Imana’s twitching body. One of them addressed her in Ara-Cope then said in Terran Universal, “Princess Imana of the Kingdom of Copa, planet Nomoru, you are under arrest for trafficking in sentient alien species, kidnapping, impersonating a government official, and homicide.” They snapped electronic cuffs around her wrists. Two agents each grabbed an arm and hauled her away.

One agent remained. Judging from the braid and decorative insignia on his uniform, I guessed he was a high-ranking official. Of course, the brass would get personally involved in the capture of an infamous criminal. He had three eyes, and serpentine antennas twisted atop his bulbous grayish-blue head.

“May I introduce my superior, Commander Jovi,” Maxx said, and then pulled Imana’s broach from his pocket and flicked a tiny switch on the device. In an instant, he transformed into the man I recognized. My cellmates gawked. He passed the broach to his superior. “Here’s the hologram device Imana used to impersonate President Erika Stadler.”

“Are we free now?” the jogger asked.

“After we secure the ship and document the evidence, the vessel will return to New Terra where you’ll be debriefed and released,” Jovi said in accented Terran Universal.

“Debriefed? You mean, wipe our memories like you did with the repatriated Star Cross passengers?” I glowered. I didn’t have Giselle’s antidote! Would I forget the past few days? Would I forget Maxx?

“No. Some of the abductees may be called upon to testify before the tribunal. Many changes are coming. I predict the near future will be a lot different.” Jovi looked at Maxx. “Good work. We couldn’t have done it without you delaying the ship and disabling the shimmer.”

“Garrison Keller and I were a team. We worked hand in hand. Jessie is the one who acquired Imana’s hologram device, and undercover agent Phanx played a critical role by deactivating the shimmer.”

“Duly noted.” Jovi nodded and strode away.

“Garrison’s okay, then?” I asked.

He nodded. “He’s fine. After dropping me off, he went to the safe house to wait it out since Imana’s men were searching for him.”

I sighed with relief. “I’m so glad. I was so worried about him. Who’s Agent Phanx?”

“This ship’s first officer. He’s LOP. I told you we’d been working this for a while and had multiple people involved,” he explained, and then held up his hand. “I know you have a lot of questions. I promise, this time I’ll answer them all, but I can’t do it right now. I have to help secure the ship and then assist with the interrogation.”

“I understand.” I also understood that, as this mission came to an end, so did his time on New Terra. My heart panged.

He turned to my wide-eyed cellmates. “I know you’re anxious. You’re all safe now. Please remain here until you’re approached by an LOP officer. You’ll recognize them by the purple uniforms.”

Maxx looked at me again. “We’ll talk soon.” Amber eyes heated with emotion, but I feared reading too much into it.

“I’m sorry for doubting you and shocking you with the stunner,” I said, compelled to apologize while I had the chance. I wasn’t taking anything for granted anymore. No more assumptions.

“Apology accepted. The rest can wait.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine


By late night, the criminal crew had been booked, and the ship returned to New Terra to release the captives. Upon landing, we retreated to Jessie’s apartment building for that overdue talk. I’d warned her that her place had been ransacked and torn apart, and suggested my apartment instead, but she insisted on checking on her cat.

“You have James Bond?” Jessie asked Mrs. Abercrombie.

“Yes! He showed up in my apartment two days ago. I don’t know how he got in.” She looked baffled. “I knocked on your door, but you didn’t answer.”

“I’m sorry. I had to leave unexpectedly. There wasn’t time to talk to you. I appreciate you taking care of him,” Jessie covered for me.

Mrs. Abercrombie beckoned us into the main room while assessing me with a gleam of speculation. I adjusted my hoodie, ensuring my horns were concealed. This was the closest I’d ever gotten to her. Although I’d eyeballed her from afar, she’d never seen me before tonight.

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