Page 38 of Alien in Disguise

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“That makes sense.” He kissed me again and rolled over.

Dodged a bullet on that one. Dodged a couple of bullets. What if he’d wanted sex? I guess I could have said no. Despite being a slaver, he hadn’t demonstrated any inclination toward being a rapist.

I lay tense as a board, his scent and heat drifting over me. Awareness of him felt like bubbles popping against skin. I could hear his even, steady breathing. Please fall asleep fast. Please.

As I bided my time, I reran the entire broadcast through my mind. Something significant had been mentioned. What was it?

I’d been dismayed to hear President Stadler was leaving the capital on a retreat, but that wasn’t what niggled at me. If she planned to meet with the Joint Chiefs on the trafficking situation, that would explain the secrecy of the agenda, and the lack of actual “news” in the report. Unfortunately, however, New Terra needed her in the capital because another slave ship was coming. This was not the time for the leader of our planet to leave town!

If only I could reach her before she left. By the time she returned from Camp Larabelle, it would be too late.

The next segment had reported on the storm.

That elusive wisp darted out then disappeared.

Something about the storm? I rubbed my forehead. What is it?

Maxx took a deep breath and exhaled. I could still smell him, feel his body heat. Fall asleep already! My heart ached for what I’d believed we’d had. I’d known it couldn’t last, but I’d thought he liked me, cared for me. I squinted at him, but it was too dark to see his eyes or the rise and fall of his chest. I can check during the next flash of lightning.

But there hadn’t been any in a while, I realized. No thunder either. Maybe the storm had moved on? The broadcast had said it would pass quickly.

The power was still out though. Until now, I hadn’t realized how bright the green lights of the door sensor had been. Without the tiny green dots, the room was pitch black—

Mother…fucker. Motherfuckermotherfucker. Power failure! That’s it! I’m an idiot!

The doors of the safe house locked electronically. Electronics required electricity. Omigod. The doors were probably open.

My heart pounded as if it could leap out of my chest. “Maxx?” I whispered. “Are you awake?”

“Yes,” came the whispered reply.


The power could come back at any time. I couldn’t wait for him to fall asleep. I’d never get another opportunity to escape like this. I had to make a break for it now.

“I need to use the bathroom.”

How much of a head start would that give me? How much time did I have before he’d begin to wonder what was taking me so long and check on me? Five minutes, maybe? Ten at the most. Not much.

“Sorry. Sorry,” I apologized as I climbed over him.

“Do you need me to guide you?”

“No. I can find my way. No sense you getting up.”

I left the bedroom, closing the door behind me. Damn, it’s dark! I found the bathroom door, opened it, and slammed it hard so he’d hear. With a hand on the wall, I groped my way down the hall to the living area. I squinted, trying to find the furniture to avoid crashing into something and causing a racket.

I fumbled to the front door and yanked on the handle. It flew open. Yes! Freedom!

I’d never complain about power outages again.

The safe would be open, too.

If he caught up with me, I’d wish I had a weapon to defend myself. Burning precious seconds, I made a beeline for the safe and grabbed the blaster and the stun stick. The blaster was lethal; I couldn’t kill him, but I wasn’t going to leave it here for him to use.

“Jessie, what are you doing?” Maxx’s voice floated out of the darkness.

I spun around. His dark shadow stood between me and the open door.

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