Page 34 of Alien in Disguise

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“I was starting to wonder if I should check on you. Everything okay?” Maxx’s forehead crinkled with fake concern as I entered the kitchen.

“Fine.” I forced a chuckle. “I lost track of time. The hot water felt so good, I hated to get out. I couldn’t shower when I was abducted.” I emphasized the word while watching his face, but he didn’t react one way or another. “I’ll never take bathing for granted again.”

His gaze dropped to my feet. “Going somewhere?” His lips quirked. This was the first time I’d worn shoes all day.

“My feet were cold.” I swept my gaze over the kitchen, alighting on the handheld on the counter. The screen had gone into sleep mode. Using it would require a password again. Had I not wasted so much time in the bathroom, I might have devised a ruse to send him into another room and accessed the device. Good reminder that any chance to escape will be fleeting, and I must stay on my toes.

He’d set the table, but I didn’t see or smell food. “What did you decide to fix for dinner?” How would I manage to eat and chit chat like nothing had changed? How would I keep the food down? Ugh. I no longer wanted pizza. I didn’t want anything.

“It doesn’t take long, so I decided to let you choose your own. It’s a good thing I did. The food would have gone cold by now.”

To feign normalcy, I had to pick something. Peering into the freezer, I spotted a chicken and veggie casserole. “I’ll have this.” It seemed to be the lightest option. “What would you like” you lying rat bastard?

“Surprise me,” he said.

Oh, I intend to.

I picked chili con carne for him. The box gave it a five-chili pepper rating. I hoped the chili lit his mouth on fire and caused excruciating heartburn. When he pooped, I wanted flames to shoot out of his ass.

“I’ll fix the meals tonight. You go sit down.” I truly doubted he’d been drugging me—I didn’t feel doped up—but better safe than sorry.

“I’ll get the drinks, then. Would you like a glass of wine?”

“Mmm…” I pretended to consider it. “No, not tonight.” I needed to be sober and clearheaded. “You go ahead.” Have a glass or two or three. Have the whole bottle. If he got drunk, maybe he’d pass out.

I zapped the meals. When they were hot, I slid his plate across the counter. “Here you go!” Then I poured myself some water and carried my glass and meal into the dining area.

“I got the water.” He motioned at my place setting. Once again, he hadn’t bothered with a shirt. Staring at his lightly furred naked chest would have seemed cozy and intimate a mere hour ago; now, it seemed like a deliberate attempt to seduce. He knew I’d found him sexy and hot.

“You did say you were going to get the drinks.” I forced a wry smile and took my seat. I noticed he’d opted not to have wine.

“This smells good.” He picked up his spoon.

“I hope it’s not too spicy for you.”

“I’m sure it’s not. I love chili, the hotter the better.” He took a bite. “Mm. Perfect.”

I took tiny bites of my casserole, mostly pushing the food around to avoid further upset to my churning stomach. I hated that he could act so normally when he’d shattered my trust.

“You’re quiet,” he commented.

“Am I?” I shook my head as if mystified by the observation.

In truth, words failed me. I had no idea how to go about making normal conversation. Any teasing repartee had been erased from my memory banks. I didn’t want to flirt with him.

But questions? Dozens flooded my brain. But how deep could I probe without arousing suspicion? That hadn’t been a concern before, but everything was different now. And before, I’d given him the benefit of the doubt. Now that I knew he’d lie, what could be gained from asking?

In the distance, I heard a rumble.

“There’s supposed to be a storm tonight,” he said.

There’d been a mention of a storm in his conversation with Garrison. “What makes you say that?” I asked, watching his face.

He looked at me. “Didn’t you hear the thunder?”

“Is this your first experience with thunderstorms?” I patted myself on the back for how casual I sounded.

“No. Other planets experience thunder and lightning, too. I’ve been on a lot of worlds.”

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