Page 30 of Alien in Disguise

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Her hand in mine, I led her to the bedroom, marveling at how natural it felt to weave my fingers through hers. Copans did not hold hands. Was this the humanness in me coming out?

We kissed again, and I slid my hands under her loose shirt to stroke her smooth, furless back before slipping around to her front. Her breasts were rounded, full, soft, and enticingly alien. The females from my planet did not have mammary glands. She moaned and rubbed her lower body against my crotch.

“We could do this better if we were naked,” she said.

“You have the best ideas.” I smiled.

“I knew I could get you to see things my way.” She slipped out of my arms, and we undressed, and she was gloriously naked, all smooth skin and feminine curves. My ringed cock jutted out, harder than hard.

We stretched, facing each other. She curved her lips in an incredible, beckoning, come-hither smile then grabbed ahold of my horns and tugged my face closer. “Your handles are very…handy.”

We kissed, slow and languid, while my hands roamed over her body with leisurely but focused intent, discovering how to elicit her moans of pleasure.

She learned how to make me groan with satisfaction by grasping my cock and sliding her hand over the ridged shaft with a firm, steady stroke. The smallest touches brought me pleasure—her fingers dancing over my back, a tug on my horns, her face rubbing against the short fur on my chest. Absent my thicker coat, sensitivity was so much more acute.

We teased and explored, raising our passion for one another to greater heights. My cock ached, my balls pulling tighter against my body. Her pussy squeezed my fingers.

She rocked her hips. “You’re driving me crazy.” She thumped my back.

I groaned as I pushed into her hot, tight, wet warmth. My eyes rolled back at the perfection. Thoughts evaporated in the passionate heat as our bodies moved together, every thrust driving us closer to the brink. She shattered first, crying out in ecstasy as her pussy pulsed around my cock.

I squeezed my eyes shut and held back as long as I could, allowing her to find her pleasure, before surrendering to the white heat of rapture.

We lay together in silence and satisfaction, Jessie curled up next to me, her head on my shoulder. When her eyelids began to droop, I smoothed a hand over her damp hair. “Sleep,” I murmured. “You need it.”

She sighed and closed her eyes. Within a minute, she was out.

Awash in contentment, I followed her into slumber.

* * * *

I awakened to find Jessie grinning and leaning on an elbow watching me.

“You find something amusing?” I asked self-consciously.

“No, I was enjoying watching you sleep.”

“It takes little to entertain you.”

She traced the line of my jaw with a finger. “I’m committing your face to memory, so I never forget.” The smile slipped off her face.

“I’ll never forget you,” I said. For a crazy moment, I considered the possibility of her joining me, leaving New Terra when I did. While taking her would put me in violation of the rules, one could always find loopholes if you looked hard enough. However, the life of an expat human wasn’t easy. She would be alone for long periods. Missions often sent me away for months. This assignment had lasted three years.

Where would she live during my absences? On the space station with my parents? My mother would be thrilled to have another woman for company, but Jessie would be subjected to the same prejudice my mother experienced.

Araset? Her friends resided in the palace, but that didn’t mean King Saar—notoriously xenophobic—would accept her. He’d been forced to tolerate the others because two of them had bond-mated to his sons, another to his chief advisor. He’d had little choice.

By virtue of the king’s protection—unless Imana succeeded in the invasion—Jessie’s friends were safe and insulated from the harsher realities.

But for a lone female without a powerful protector, life could be miserable and dangerous.

That’s what I had to offer her—misery and danger.

I’d witnessed the hardship and prejudice my mother had experienced—the gawking stares, the suspicion, the rude comments, the loneliness of being the sole human for millions of ypnots. She’d once admitted she’d felt like a speck of space dust. I would not wish to put someone I cared about through that.

Jessie would be leaving under far different circumstances, but it would be a huge assumption to think she would abandon her home, family, her friends, her job, and James Bond for an alien man she barely knew, who would, in the long run, bring her more sadness than joy. A half-breed with a human bond-mate? I could not imagine a match more doomed.

“I’ve got a question,” she said, her expression serious now. “I’ve been thinking about the cartel.”

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