Page 17 of Alien in Disguise

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“It’s very organized. We know who’s behind it, but until now we couldn’t prove it.”

“Who’s behind it?”

“Princess Imana of Copa.”

“The princess formerly betrothed to Prince Aeon of Araset?” Jessie eyed me dubiously. “I’m surprised you would share that information with me.”

“You asked.”

“So, you’ll answer any question I have?”

“No. I’ll share what I can, but certain information and strategies I’m not at liberty to disclose.”

“Why tell me anything at all?”

“You need to comprehend the stakes.”

“You’re Copan.” She eyed my horns.

“Yes.” Would she condemn me for the princess’s actions? Guilt by association?

The actions of one did not reflect the beliefs of the many, but the kingdom would be stigmatized when the princess’s actions became public. Imana had brought disgrace to my people. Copans would find themselves in the same situation as humans—despised and reviled for actions individuals had had no hand in.

“What about the queen of Copa?” she asked.

“Evidence indicates Queen Augera is innocent, and she has denied that Imana is involved, attributing it to rumor. I suspect she will be devastated to learn her daughter isn’t merely involved but is the leader of the cartel.”

“And the Ceruleans?”

“The Cerulean prime minister is Imana’s second-in-command.”

“So, why hasn’t the LOP acted on this information and arrested them?”

“Before we can bring a crown princess and a prime minister before the Justice Tribunal for crimes against alien sentients, the evidence must be irrefutable.”

“The LOP has been investigating this problem for years! What’s taking so long?”

“We will have proof very soon.”

She crossed her arms. “So, to revisit an earlier question, why tell me any of this? You don’t trust me. You tried to take my handheld. You kidnapped—excuse me, took me into protective custody—”

“You could have derailed the operation. A cartel slave ship is arriving to collect another large group of humans. To prove our case, we must allow that abduction to occur.”

Her jaw dropped. “That’s your plan? Use us as bait? Then what happens?”

“Then Imana will be apprehended, and the captives will be released.”

“Unless something goes wrong, and she gets away, and the victims don’t get rescued.”

“That won’t happen.”

“Oh, because nothing ever goes wrong.”

Something already had gone wrong. Jessie had barreled into the operation. But I’d fixed that.

She stood up. “I assume this safe house has a bathroom?”

I motioned. “At the end of the hall. Don’t bother trying to escape out a window. None of them will open.”

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