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Except for the fact that Colby is blond, and his father is the opposite with darker hair, the resemblance between the two men is uncanny.

“And the guy he’s talking to is Brody McKinnon,” Juliette cuts in with a grin. “My father.”

My brows shoot up. “Wow. He’s?—”

“Don’t say hot,” Juliette mutters, expression turning sour.

Carina flashes a grin as her shoulders shake with silent mirth. “She hates it when we talk about how dreamy her dad is.”

Juliette glares at her roommate.

“He kind of is,” I whisper to Carina.

“Oh, trust me…I know it,” she says with a chuckle.

“Hey, you’re dishing about my older brother,” Stella adds. “And that’s just gross. Keep your pervy daddy issues to yourself.”

“Now where would the fun in that be?” Carina shoots back with a smile.

My gaze slices to Gray McNichols as he wraps his arm around a slender woman before dropping a kiss against the top of her dark head. I’m guessing that’s Colby’s mother. Even though Colby resembles his father, he and his mom also have features that are similar.

If his parents are waiting around, they’ll probably want to get together once he’s released from the locker room, which means we won’t get a chance to talk.


Now that I’m no longer in avoidance mode, I just want to set the wheels in motion for this divorce.

Or annulment.

Or uncoupling.

Or whatever the hell you want to call it.

But I can’t do that until we’re both on the same page.



I slick on some pit sauce and slam my locker door shut before shoving my feet into my shoes. Then I plow my hands through my damp strands, pushing them away from my face.

“Why the hell are you in such a rush, McNichols? You gotta couple of bunnies who are gonna help you celebrate our W tonight?”

My gaze flickers to Hayes as I avoid answering the question. “I’m in no more of a hurry than usual.”

The way his eyes narrow tells me that he’s not buying what I’m attempting to sell.

He whips off the towel from around his waist and uses it to dry his face and then chest. The guy is buck-ass naked and couldn’t care less.

I tap my foot, anxious to get the hell out of here and find?—

“Would this have anything to do with the hot little honey you shared a room with last weekend?”

Sometimes I forget just how perceptive Hayes can be. He gives off this casual, I-don’t-give-a-crap vibe, but I’ve discovered that there’s more to him buried beneath the surface.

It’s like calm waters and all that shit.

“What makes you say that?”

“The fact that you’re answering a question with a question.”

I roll my eyes. “Fine. It might have something to do with her.”

A smug grin slides across his lips. “I suspected as much.” He grabs his boxers and hauls them up his thighs before snapping the waistband against his abdomen. “You’re fucking interested.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to deny the accusation.

Because that’s exactly what it is.

Instead, I drop my voice and do the unthinkable. “What if I am?”

He glances around the rowdy locker room with an expression of wonderment. “What world am I living in where Colby McNichols is actually interested in a chick?”

Ford swings around and stares at Hayes. “I’m sorry, what did you just say?”

Our center grins gleefully. “Turns out the baby-faced assassin over here has a little crushy-crushy on a girl.”

Ford’s wide eyes slice to mine before he shakes his head. “No way. I don’t believe it. Not even for a second.”

“Well, believe it because it’s true,” Hayes continues.

Heat slams into my cheeks as more people turn and stare like I’m a circus oddity.


I knew this was a bad idea. I should have denied everything.

Hayes better watch it at our next practice because I’m going to lay him out flat.

Maybe a few times.

I groan when Wolf chimes in.

“I thought as much after the weekend.” He jerks a thumb in my direction. “You should have seen how butthurt he was after she took off Sunday morning. Reminded me of a kicked puppy. Then he pouted the entire flight and made me switch seats and hold his hand.”

“You offered,” I ground out.

“My guess is that she got a good look at the size of his pecker and decided it wasn’t worth her time,” Bridger adds with a grin like the asshole he is.

Screw this.

With a wave of my hand, I stalk toward the heavy metal door. “All right, I’m out. See you dickheads later.”

They all laugh and boo that I’m not sticking around to take their abuse. Just as I escape into the hallway, a wad of white tape almost nails me in the head.


I give them the finger.

With friends like these, who needs enemies?

Even though there’s no way I’d admit it after that, most of these guys are like brothers to me. Sure, maybe we like to harass each other but you don’t bother doing that unless your friendship runs deep.

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