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"Erzah is tapped out on credits," Salvotor says. "He's trying to borrow some from Jerzec. He tried to borrow from me, too, but I spent all of mine."

"I've got credits," I tell him, patting my money pouch. "Where is he right now?"

"In jail." Salvotor looks uncertain for a moment. "We're not supposed to let you know, though."

"I'll pretend to be very surprised," I reassure him.




Port's tiny jail cell is very nice. Ruthie would call it “candy ass,” even though I'm not entirely sure what candy is. Something pleasant, I think. That suits this jail. The environmentals are set to the perfect level—not too hot, not too cold. There's a nook for a lavatory, a sink with clean water that comes out of the tap. The cot even has a pillow and a soft plas-blanket. I remember one time Jerzec got us into trouble on Three Nebulas Station and we were thrown into a cell for two days before Lord Straik pulled us out. There had been no bed in that shithole, and when the sink was turned on, nothing came out but bugs.

So yes, this is candy ass indeed.

Even if it wasn't, I have no regrets over my situation. I've been brought here every night, because I refuse to leave my post. I've picked a spot in the street where I can stand and watch over the dormitory's entrance and exit, both. I lean up against a wall and wait, watching over my Ruthie from afar.

The custodians are not a fan of my plan. Each night, they say I'm distressing the other females in the town and I need to leave. And while I feel badly that I'm causing human females to worry, my only concern is Ruthie. Every night, I refuse to leave.

Every night, I get arrested.

Erzah's been bailing me out in the mornings. I've run through most of my petty credits and now Erzah has gone through his. Erzah is not happy with me, either. He says he needs his funds for the cantina. And he does...but again, my concern is Ruthie. I don't mind going to jail every night if it means she gets watched over.

Because I can also see the dormitory from my jail cell. If anyone looks like they're up to no good, I'll make sure the custodians get on it.

I keep my post at the small window near the ceiling, and I'm rewarded with a brief glimpse of Ruthie as she heads down the street. Kef, she looks gorgeous. Smiling and happy and just...the most beautiful creature. My heart fills with longing and I press my nose to the plas, hoping to catch another glimpse of her.

A familiar-looking form races into the shop, and I squint because it looked like Salvotor. The gray-blue skin and shorter, stocky frame is distinct. But he's supposed to be staying out of her way. I made everyone promise to leave her alone so she could do this properly. Keffing fool isn't keffing listening. I growl at the plas window and push against it, wondering if I can pop it out of place and climb out. Is it possible to get Salvotor arrested at this point? Just to get him to leave her alone?

My growl turns into a groan when Ruthie emerges from the store, Salvotor jogging at her side. She strides across the street, heading directly for the custodial office.

Heading right for me.

Kef. I guess it's too much to hope that Salvotor kept his mouth shut.

I pace in my cell impatiently, waiting for the inevitable arrival of Ruthie and Salvotor and my jailers. Part of me is looking forward to seeing Ruthie—it's been days since I've seen her close and I need to reassure myself that she's fine, that she's thriving despite the fact that I'm not with her. A larger part of me is inwardly tensing at how mad she's going to be that I didn't hold up my end of the bargain. That I've been spying on her all this time.

She's going to be furious. I keffing hate it when Ruthie is furious at me.

A short time later, she enters the jail, followed closely behind by Salvotor (who has a guilty look on his face) and Custodian Khex (who seems more annoyed than anything). Her expression is unreadable as she approaches the cell and eyes the clear, impenetrable divider that holds me inside the small room. The partition goes up and Custodian Khex steps forward, indicating that I should hold out my wrists. "I'll take those cuffs off you."

I hold them out obediently, and Ruthie crosses her arms over her chest.

Salvotor clears his throat. "Uh, I'm gonna head out and tell Erzah you're good. See you guys back on the ship."

Then he runs like hell. Coward. As if a furious Ruthie is something to be terrified of.

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