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I was still staring at him, my pulse racing, and I noticed a small frown tug at his lips. Did he remember me?

Eugene left the cooker and came to introduce me. “Everyone, this is Maggie, a friend of Shay’s. Maggie, this is my other son, Ross, and his wife, Dawn.” He motioned to the couple. “The little ones out the back are their kids, Ryan and Shauna.” I glanced out the window and saw a girl and boy playing on a swing set. “The big guy is my nephew, Rhys, and last but not least is Nigel, Shay’s closest friend.”

“It’s lovely to meet you all,” I said, swallowing thickly and trying not to freak out that Shay’s closest friend was one of the biggest arseholes I’d ever encountered.



I could tell Maggie was nervous as she was introduced to everyone. I gently touched her elbow and motioned to the free seat next to mine. She shot me a grateful smile and went to sit.

Suddenly, Nigel stood, an odd expression on his face as he stared at Maggie, and then he pulled a packet of cigarettes from his pocket.

“I’m just going to step out for a smoke,” he said, then left the room.

“Have you not tried encouraging him to quit yet?” Dawn asked, and I signed back, It’s his life. His choice. My sister-in-law hated smoking because her father had died from lung disease, having smoked heavily his entire life.

Dawn wore an unhappy expression. I checked to make sure Maggie looked comfortable before I went to help Dad dish up the food. As expected, my family began asking Maggie all manner of questions about herself. I felt bad leaving her with them, but I couldn’t expect Dad to plate everything up by himself.

Besides, my family were good people. They wouldn’t ask anything untoward.

“So, Maggie, how did you and my brother meet?” Ross asked, and I shot him an aggravated look. He already knew how we met. I’d filled them all in before Maggie arrived. Dawn thought it was terribly romantic we’d taken the bus together for months before finally meeting properly. Rhys shot me a knowing glance and said he now understood why I hadn’t gotten a car yet, while Nigel wanted to know if we were just friends or “more than friends.” I told him we were just friends because that was all we were for now.

“We met on the bus. There was a drunk guy hassling me one night, and Shay helped me out,” she replied, and I grimaced because I hadn’t told them that part. I noticed her gaze flicker in the direction Nigel had gone for his cigarette before she returned her attention to my family members. I found it curious but quickly brushed it off. She was probably just nervous to have everyone’s attention on her.

“Really?” my brother said, eyebrows rising, while Rhys looked impressed.

Maggie nodded and glanced at me shyly. “It was very kind of him.”

“My boy is a knight in shining armour,” Dad exclaimed as he carried some plates heaving with roast beef, potatoes, and carrots over to the table. A large jug of his special gravy already sat in the middle.

Quit that, I signed at Dad, but he shook his head. “Don’t be so modest, son. It’s few people who would help strangers nowadays.”

Yeah, I was pretty sure I wouldn’t have gotten involved if it weren’t Maggie that arsehole was hassling.

Maggie shot me a small smile before continuing, “Anyway, the trouble didn’t last long because the bus driver pulled out a crowbar and threatened the group of drunks to get off.”

Rhys chuckled heartily. “That’s Dublin bus drivers for you. They don’t tolerate any shite.”

“Oh my goodness,” Dawn said, eyes going wide. “That’s crazy.”

“I think everyone on the bus was just glad they finally left,” Maggie replied, tucking some of her silky auburn hair behind her ear. She looked so pretty today, fresh faced and a little flushed. I set a plate down in front her, and she shot me a look of thanks. Dawn called for the kids, and they came running in. They took their seats at the smaller table in the corner after shyly introducing themselves to Maggie, who seemed surprisingly comfortable interacting with them. I remembered her mentioning her younger half-siblings and wondered if they were around the same ages as Ryan and Shauna.

“Go and tell Nigel the food’s ready, will you, Shay?” Dad asked. I nodded and headed outside, finding my friend leaning next to the front door, his cigarette almost finished.

Dinner’s ready, I signed at him, and he took the last drag before stubbing it out. I turned to go back inside when he touched me on the shoulder. “Hey, Shay, are you sure about this Maggie?”

What do you mean?

He shrugged and exhaled a heavy breath. “I don’t know. She just seems a little off to me.”

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