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“One day the truth will come to light, and you need to free your heart to forgive. That’s all I’m trying to say.”

“Sounds like some lyrics I need to write,” I tease.

He winks at me. “You take ‘em. Just mail me my ten percent,” he chuckles.

“Only if you rest and don’t give me and Mama a hard time.”

“Mm-hm,” he murmurs.

I stand and gather my things. My mother walks in as I’m about to step out. She pulls me into a tight hug.

“I’m so glad you’re here. He needs you more than he’ll ever say,” she whispers into my ear.

“I’m here to help in any way I can. Just let me know what needs doing,” I say back.

She releases me, then she cups my cheek. The tears in her eyes tug at my heart.

“Come stay at the ranch, baby. Come home.”

“Mom. I don’t want to bring drama to the ranch. If the media gets wind I’m there, it will become a circus. Trust me, this is for the best.”

She looks down sadly and nods. I know this is hard. They’ve never had me here since I’ve become a celebrity. I don’t think I brought enough staff to prevent the media from crossing boundaries.

Not that anything ever stops them. I’m thinking about the staff and the animals as well. I want to keep them safe. The fact that the Monroe ranch bumps up against ours is just one more reason for me not to go there.

“I’ll call you when visiting hours are over and I head home,” she says.

“Love you, Mama,” I say and tug her into a hug.

“Love you too. Call your nanna.”

“Yes, ma’am.”


I get this feeling Jess isn’t telling me something. I drove her to school and dropped her off, but she was quiet and in her head most of the ride.

Not for the first time, it crosses my mind that I need to find a counselor for the kids to talk to. Scoot won’t talk to Donna, and Snacks gets annoyed when she has to. Bam is like Jess, wanting to spend time with a mother who could care less.

My phone rings, pulling me from my thoughts as I make my way to a job site. I need to show my face today. I figured some physical labor might allow me to blow off some steam.

“Hello,” I say as I pick up the call.


“Hey, darlin’. Everything all right?”

“No,” Snacks pouts.

“What’s going on, baby girl?”

“Nanna said I can come back. I called Mama and asked for a ride, but she said no. Daddy, I don’t want to ask Nanna. Her eyes and hands ain’t right. She doesn’t need to be out worried about me. Can you come take me? Please.”

My hold on the steering wheel becomes so tight my knuckles turn white. Donna ain’t doing a damn thing that should keep her from taking our baby over to Mrs. Galveston. Other than the fact that the two are like oil and water, and Agatha might just knock her upside her head one of these days.

“Did you call over to Gramme and Papa?”

“Yeah, nobody answered. I think they went to visit Pop-pop Moses. Nanna said she’s been for the day and won’t be going tomorrow,” she says. “Please, Daddy.”

“Aw darlin’. I’m on the way to a work site. I can’t come get you right now, but I’ll run by at lunchtime and get you over there.”

“Okay, thanks. I’ll be ready so I don’t hold you up.”

“I’ll give you a ring when I’m on the way, sugar.”


Checking In


The last four days have gone by in a blur. I’ve met another of Trevor’s children. A cute little girl. She has to be around fourteen.

Watching her with my nanna was painful. Although, the little girl cooks with the soul of an old Southern Black woman. Nanna has taught her well.

Nanna, that woman is almost as bad as her son. However, my grandmother says things with her eyes and expressions, not so much her words. At least not her words yet.

So I’m grateful to the little replica of Trevor. Her presence kept my nanna from leaning into me. I don’t think she would have spared me had it just been my team.

I shake the thought off as I step off the elevator at the hospital. For three straight days I’ve just missed Trevor. My father has been sure to tell me so. With a smile on his face, mind you.

I look down at the one-piece bodysuit Maggie dressed me in today with the calf high boots. Daddy is sure to poke fun this time. I don’t know what’s more embarrassing—the fact that I’m allowing Maggie to dress me up each day or the fact that my father has picked up on it.

I sigh heavily as I walk into his room. I freeze in my tracks as I find two visitors already there. Dr. Curry has pulled some strings to get me a pass for when I come no matter if daddy already has visitors.

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