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Tori opens her mouth, though whether to placate him or tell him the truth I never find out. Because at that moment there’s a huge crash within the suite.

“Kara!” Dalton shouts and barges forward. Concern for Kara means Evie, Tori, and I are right behind him, charging into the room as a group.

But as soon as we enter the suite it’s clear Kara isn’t the one in danger. And why Tori had shut the door so quickly behind her.


Another crash sounds and a terrified yelp from Dax soon after it.

I stride through the entryway and around the divider to the living room. The sight before me would be hilarious if it weren’t so dire.

Dax is naked except for a pillow over his dick. Kara is a molten ball of fury. Two vases lie in shatters at the base of the far wall and Kara is winding up a third, getting ready to strike him out.

She notices Dalton first and then us, and that at least gets her to lower the vase (though she doesn’t put it down).

“Get out!” she demands. “This is private!”

Evie takes an awkward step backwards. I’d love to leave myself, but I’m not abandoning Dalton, who has no intention of backing down, though for the first time he looks a little confused.

“What the hell is happening in here?”

“None of your goddamn business,” Dax snaps. It’s hard to look threatening while cowering naked behind a pillow, but he somehow manages to. “Get the fuck outta here.”

“I’m her manager so?—”

“No, you’re her little simp. You think this means you gotta chance now?” Dax sneers. “Think again, bitch.”

Understanding flashes across Dalton’s face but before he can speak, Kara jumps to his defense. “Don’t you dare talk to him like that! You think you’re such a big shot because you throw a ball in a hoop?! When your daddy all but paid for you to be on that damn team?! I want you out of this room now. Actually fuck that. I want you off this entire damn island in an hour!”

Then she turns to look at someone I can’t see. They’re standing inside the doorway that leads to the bedroom, just out of sight. But once Kara speaks I don’t need to look to know exactly who it is: “And you! I invite you on my tour and treat you and that asshole boyfriend of yours to everything and this is how you’re gonna repay me?”

Evie lets out a strangled noise. She dashes forward, shoving past Dalton and even Dax to look into the bedroom.

“Cheryl! What the fuck!” Evie shouts.

Oh Jesus H. Christ.

Evie backs out of the room as if she’s being confronted by an eldritch demon. My soul shatters at the hurt and anger in her eyes.

Cheryl emerges wearing a thick bathrobe, her blonde hair mussed. In the face of Kara’s hurt, Evie’s disappointment, and Dalton’s anger, she looks coolly uninterested.

“How could you do this?” Evie asks, her voice cracking.

“What do you mean?” Cheryl asks. “You told me to.”

“What?” Kara and Evie say at the same time.

Then Evie turns, terrified, to Kara. “She’s lying,” Evie says. “I would never tell her that.”

“Yes you did. On the plane,” Cheryl says. “Remember? Brent was cheating on me and I was upset but then there was this really hot guy I was also interested in. I made it pretty damn clear who it was and you said go for it!”

Evie’s mouth opens and closes. “You never said it was Dax.”

“I didn’t have to,” Cheryl says, rolling her eyes. “I swear I thought you knew. I mean, everyone could sense the chemistry between us.”

This is news to me, but then I’ve never been in tune to that sort of thing.

Kara looks back and forth between the two women, unsure of whom to believe. Evie is obviously the more trustworthy of the two. Kara has to side with her.

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