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“We should go say hi,” Evie says.

Though we’re far enough down that we might be able to get away with sneaking inside, I reluctantly nod.

We’re halfway there when Brent and Cheryl get out of the limo and join the gaggle of groupies. Fuck. So much for my last-ditch hope that maybe they wouldn’t be tied to Kara for the rest of the trip. Most of the people on the plane had moved on to cheaper hotels than the Four Seasons, but it appears that with these assholes we won’t be so lucky.

I feel Evie tense beside me at the sight of them, and without thinking I slip my hand into hers. I squeeze it lightly before letting it go just as quickly. It’s innocent, I tell myself. A reminder that I’ve got her back. Nothing more.

While the entourage smokes on the curb, Kara is off to the side, speaking to Dalton in hushed tones. He’s typing something on his phone rapidly as she speaks, nodding along. He pauses when he notices us approach.

Kara glances sharply at him, wondering why he’s stopped typing and then follows his gaze to us. You’d have to be an idiot to misread the look on her face. She’s not happy.

“I hope your music video was a success,” I say.

Kara crosses her arms. “It was okay,” she says. “Did you really sit in the closet the entire ride?”

Someone snorts loudly behind us. I’m pretty sure it’s Brent. I manage to keep my voice neutral.

“Unfortunately as fun as it all sounded, I think I’d put my lawyers in an early grave if I so much as appeared in profile in your video.”

“And why’s that?” Kara challenges.

“It might concern the shareholders,” I say mildly.

Kara’s mouth quirks and she studies me intently. Finally she says, “You pull that card a lot?”

Yes, I do, but I don’t admit to it. I just smile.

“Well we weren’t shooting the entire time,” she says. “You could have been out there for some of it.”

“Is that so?” I ask. “Well then it’s a shame we missed it.”

“There will be other parties.”

“And we’ll be there.”

Her gaze is cool. “I hope so. I’d hate for this arrangement to be a waste of both of our time.” She gives a brief nod to Evie and then without another word she heads up the stairs and into the Four Seasons’ opulent entry hall.

Dalton is left with us and he just shakes his head. “You two are going to fuck this up,” he says like it’s a foregone conclusion.

“We won’t,” I say firmly. “We just need to find our bearing.”

“You better find it quick,” he says. “You’re lucky you had a decent excuse. Kara was pissed you two were hiding out. And don’t think she didn’t find out about all that drama you got going on with Dax’s agent. She’s not thrilled about that either.”

“Drama?” Evie repeats. “Seems a bit of a trivial description of the situation, don’t you think?”

“Just figure it out, okay?” Dalton says. He checks the time and then follows after Kara, mumbling under his breath about how this shit is going to put him in an early grave.

Evie turns to me. I just shrug. “This is why I hate working with celebrities,” I say.

“I’m starting to get it,” she says.

The rest of the entourage wafts past us, following their leader. Unfortunately Brent and Cheryl, riding the high of our apparent fall from grace in the eyes of Kara, don’t pass without throwing in a word.

“So the closet, huh? How was the view from in there?” Brent says.

“I could spend every moment of the rest of my life handcuffed to a sentient pile of horse shit, and I’d still prefer that view to being married to you,” Evie explodes.

The insult does nothing to ruffle their preening. The two hang off each other, looking like an Abercrombie centerfold, utterly content with their choices in life. Well fuck ‘em. They deserve each other. If only Evie could see that.

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