Page 82 of My Haughty Hunk

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He looks like the very definition of misery, and he stares at me for a moment, as if trying to place me. But then the clouds clear from his eyes and he smiles, reaching out a hand. “Rhett,” he says. “I trust you’ve enjoyed the conference?”

“Oh yes. Very much,” I lie.

“I thought it was a particularly good year myself. What was your favorite lecture?”

Bill’s popularity saves me from a very awkward moment. A tall older man sweeps in and asks if he can borrow Bill to talk about “something very important”, and Bill leaves with a polite nod to Liz.

“That was close,” I say.

“We’re almost done,” she says. “Then you get to choose what we do.”

I smirk and lean in close so that my lips brush her ear. “There’s a whole lot that I’d like to do to you,” I whisper. “Choosing is next to impossible.”

She playfully pushes me away, and then, with only the slightest of hesitation, leans up on her toes and pecks me on the lips. I don’t need to look around to know that all those jealous eyes just turned away in irritation.

“Then maybe we’ll just have to work our way up the list,” she says.

“But first business,” I say.

Liz puts on her game face, though her eyes are still playful. “One last stop,” she promises.

Marie is still inside the hallway. She starts at the sound of us entering, one hand leaping to her eyes and wiping away a stray tear.

I look away awkwardly and drop back. This is more Liz’s moment anyway.

Fortunately, I’m not so far away that I can’t hear the conversation.

“You didn’t bid on anything,” Marie says in an even voice, all business in an instant.

“Didn’t I?” Liz asks. She produces a business card from her clutch and passes it to Marie.

“What’s this?”

“Honestly? It’s unnecessary. I trust you’re already familiar with Mr. Wells?”

“Of course. He’s the head of the auction house. I’ve known him for years.”

“Well, his people will be in touch with yours on Monday to finalize the sale of the Livonia.”

Marie is completely silent. It’s hard to guess how much she knew; it’s easy to know that Liz has met her expectations.

“Thank you, Ms. Slate,” she says evenly. “I’d like to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to our island for the week. I believe Bill was talking about it at the welcome dinner. It’s a tradition, and it would be a good opportunity for us to get to know one another better.”

“We’d love that,” Liz says.

At the mention of “we”, Marie looks over Liz’s shoulder directly at me. I smile. She doesn’t.

Her gaze returns to Liz and she says, “I’ll look forward to seeing you.” Then she heads back toward the ballroom, gracing me with a slight nod as she passes.

I watch her go, but it isn’t long before my gaze is drawn back to Liz.

She’s standing alone in the middle of the marble hall, stunning in that slight red dress. She’s as gorgeous as any of the art sold today. And I’m lucky enough to get to go home with her for free.

“My turn now?” I ask.

Liz starts, ripping herself out of some dark corner of her thoughts. I’ve been catching her lost there more and more frequently. I’m suddenly gripped by the desire to ask outright what’s been on her mind.

But before my mouth can open, Liz smiles and it’s wide and genuine, and just naughty enough to give me a thrill of excitement. Whatever it is can wait. Why spoil the now?

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