Page 76 of My Haughty Hunk

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“If we’re successful tonight, then who knows how much good you can do moving forward.”

“True,” he says. But he sounds distracted. We’re sitting next to each other, and one of his hands moves to cover mine.

“How hopeful can I be?” he asks quietly.

“Your mother promised Marie some concessions,” I say vaguely. “It was enough to get her interested, but she hasn’t fully committed yet. I think tonight she’ll ask for some show of ability, a test to see how good I really am.”

“Aren’t you sick of being tested?” Rhett asks.

If he only knew.

“Exhausted,” I say. “But it’s part of the job. Hopefully whatever she wants is semi-possible. But I’m going to need all my focus to get it done so that means—”

“—playing goalie against Paul,” Rhett finishes. “Don’t worry. You snag Marie early on. I’ll be equal parts charming and infuriating to Paul.” He squeezes my hand. “You’ve got this.” And, almost as an afterthought but with the slightest hint of pride, he says, “And so do I.”

I don’t doubt it.

Part of me is slightly hopeful that whatever Marie asks of me is beyond my ability. The thought has even occurred to me to throw the event entirely. It’s agonizing, not knowing what Rhett’s reaction to losing the bank will be. He could be furious, he could shrug it off without a second thought. But he loses either way if he has to end this weekend heading south in that busted van.

Besides, I have a feeling that Sloane will get suspicious if I don’t get it done, and then god knows what will happen. Right now I wouldn’t put a single thing past that woman.

The limo pulls up in front of the entrance to Navy Pier and we exit to the flash of paparazzi cameras.

“Keep your cool,” I can’t help but tease out of the side of my mouth to Rhett. He has a history of altercations with the paps.

Rhett doesn’t miss a beat. “I’m happy they’re here,” he says. And before I can say anything, he grabs my hand, grinning for the cameras as we walk hand-in-hand into the event.

I don’t know what to say; Rhett seems oblivious to my shock.

I really like Rhett, but isn’t it a bit soon for whatever this is to hit the tabloids? I hope I don’t look as stunned as I felt in that photo. Actually I’d settle for just looking semi-decent. I’m dressed to the nines in a slim red dress and black Louboutin heels, but walking next to Rhett is enough for me to feel underdressed and out of my element.

I’ve broken into a hundred parties like this for work, but that was always playing a part. Now? Is this who I am? I want it to be, but, with all these unsaid thoughts, I can’t help but feel phony and fake, slimy and corporate next to Rhett’s whole-hearted authenticity.

There’s no time to talk about what just transpired though. We’ve only just set foot into the gorgeous ballroom when a pair of familiar faces appear at our side.

“Oh my god, you look amazing!” Selina Marlo beams, taking my hands and kissing me on both cheeks like we’re lifelong friends.

She’s stunning herself, a black dress matching her dark locks and an emerald necklace bringing out the green of her smoky eyes. Colton looks fantastic as well, tall and handsome in his tux.

We make polite chitchat with the couple, allowing the crowd to move us further into the ballroom. I snag a glass of champagne but make sure to sip it sparingly. Gotta keep a clear head tonight.

As it turns out, Selina Marlo is the best person to know at this event. The walls of the ballroom are adorned with art, and it isn’t long before she launches into a tour of the highlights of the evening.

“The Basquiat is expected to go for the highest,” she says, pointing out the massive abstract painting at the head of the room. “They’ll present it last for sure. But the Monet and the Van Gogh may give it a run for its money. That being said, the Raphael has a fascinating history — it was plundered by the Nazis before being reclaimed by its rightful owners over seventy years later. Now the family is deciding to part with it, and I’m sure the story will jump its value quite a bit.”

“You sure know a lot about art,” Rhett comments.

“I swear this auction is the only reason she’ll agree to come with me here,” Colton says with a grin. “It’s all she can talk about every year.”

“Look, I sit through your conferences and meals with your tech friends.” She playfully rolls her eyes at us. “Don’t get me started on how many ‘waves of the future’ they’ve predicted over the years.”

“She never has let me live down what I said about Google Glass,” Colton says.

“And what’s the wave this year?” Rhett asks.

I barely hear Selina’s answer. I’m so glad Rhett’s here, helping the conversation along. I try my best to look engaged and nod along, but I’ve also been scanning the room for our targets since the moment we stepped through the doors.

The Alencars appear to be late again, but I spot Paul and his long-suffering assistant Clark by the far wall.

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