Page 41 of Montana Haven

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I chuckle, straightening his hat. "Alright, partner. Show us what you got, but remember - slow and steady at first." Turning to Mia, I share a knowing look, and our shared amusement is evident.

Mia walks over, her attention divided between guiding Emily and encouraging Dylan. "You both are doing so wonderfully. This is what it's all about, finding courage and having fun," she says, her gaze lingering on each child with pride and motherly affection.

Suddenly, Buster takes a few unexpected steps backward, startling Emily. Her hands clench tighter on the reins, her knuckles turning white.

"I-I'm scared," she stammers, looking down at me with wide, fearful eyes. The wind picks up, rustling the leaves around us as if to echo her sudden anxiety.

I quickly step closer, offering a reassuring smile. "Hey, it's okay, Emily," I say, my tone calm and steady. "Buster can sense you're nervous, but he's a good horse. He's just trying to get to know you."

"But what if I fall?" Her voice is barely whispery, her gaze fixed on Buster's mane.

"You're not going to fall. I've got you," I assure her. "Remember to breathe. Horses are like us - they can feel what you're feeling. Show Buster you're brave, and he'll be brave with you."

Emily nods, taking in a deep breath and then slowly exhaling. "Okay, I'll try," she says, her voice still shaky but laced with a thread of resolve.

"That's my girl," I encourage. "Keep your posture straight and relax your grip a little, just like we practiced. Buster will listen to you. You're in charge."

She adjusts in the saddle, following my instructions. "Like this?" she asks, looking back at me for approval.

"Exactly like that," I confirm with a nod. "You and Buster are going to be just fine. Remember, I'm here, Mia's here, and we won't let anything happen to you."

Her face softens into a smile, a mix of gratitude and reassurance warming her expression. "Okay, I trust you," she says, and with a gentle nudge, she encourages Jasper to move forward again, this time with a newfound sense of confidence.

Watching her, a wave of pride washes over me. "You're doing great, Emily! Just take it one step at a time," I call out, my voice full of encouragement as she ventures a little further. The bond between her and Buster strengthens with each cautious step.

After the success with Buster, we decided to shift gears for a bit and introduce Emily to kite flying—a more straightforward yet equally thrilling adventure. "Alright, Emily. Ready for something a bit different?" I ask, my hands untangling the colorful kite we've brought along.

She glances back, curiosity replacing the remnants of her earlier apprehension. "Kite flying?" she queries, her eyes lighting up.

"Exactly," I respond with enthusiasm. "It's all about finding the right wind and letting the kite dance with it. It's easy once you get the hang of it, and nothing beats the feeling of watching your kite soar high in the sky."

We find an open field and vibrant green grass under the afternoon sun. The wind is gentle, perfect for our little adventure. I demonstrate how to hold the spool and release the kite into the wind, explaining each step in a way that captures her budding interest.

"Now, it's your turn," I say, handing her the spool. "Just like with Buster, it's about trust. Trust the wind, the kite, and most importantly, yourself. Pull in or release a bit of string if it dips or dives. You'll find the balance."

She nods, her grip on the spool tightening as she takes a deep breath, mirroring her earlier resolve. With a slight nod from me, she runs forward, the kite trailing behind her.

At first, it skims the grass, struggling to find its wings. But then, a gust of wind catches the fabric, and suddenly, the kite lifts into the air, climbing higher and higher until it's a splash of color against the blue expanse.

"I'm doing it! Jake, look!" Emily's voice is full of wonder and excitement. Her eyes are locked on the kite as she carefully manages the spool, letting out the string when a stronger gust comes.

I can't help but laugh, the sound mixing with the steady whoosh of the breeze. "You're a natural, Emily! See? You can do anything you set your mind to."

Just as Emily masters the art of kite flying, I glance over to see Mia folding a piece of paper. Her movements are precise and deliberate.

Dylan, bouncing on the balls of his feet with anticipation, watches every fold and crease with wide-eyed wonder. I can't help but smile at his excitement - his love for paper airplanes is well-known among us.

"Ready, Dylan?" Mia holds up the newly minted paper airplane, its sharp edges and wings perfectly symmetrical.

Dylan nods, practically vibrating with eagerness. "Can I throw it, please?"

Mia hands him the airplane with a smile. "Of course, that's why I made it. Just remember, it's all about your arm movement. It's like throwing a ball but gentler. Aim it up towards the sky, not straight ahead."

I watch Dylan take a few practice swings, his tongue peeking out in concentration. Then, with a flick of his wrist, he launches the paper airplane. It glides effortlessly, riding the same breeze that keeps our kite afloat, and Dylan's laughter fills the air, pure and infectious.

"Did you see that? It went so far!" His eyes are alight with joy, turning to catch Mia's approval.

Mia nods, clearly proud. "You did great, Dylan! Want to make another one?"

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