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When I walk into the house, I don’t see Chase. I finally spot him outside on the deck. It looks like he grilled some steak and vegetables on the grill.

He turns and gives me a wave while I motion that I’m going to change. He nods and then turns back to his grill.

I take off the clothes I wore into the office and slip into an older pair of cutoff jeans, but instead of a T-shirt, I reach for my hot pink halter top. I hesitate with my hand over the shirt. I then give a sad smile and instead, I grab the black halter top beside it.

I walk barefoot out to the backyard deck. Chase turns when he hears me open the sliding glass doors.

“Hey, Babe. I thought we could eat on the deck tonight.”

“I’ll get the drinks and plates.”

Chase waves his spatula at me. “Perfect.”

I gather a drink for each of us, plates, napkins, and silverware, and place everything neatly on the outside table.

I then go back into the kitchen and put together a quick garden salad. By the time I go back outside, it looks like the steak is done, and Chase is transferring everything off the grill and onto a serving platter.

“Dinner is served,” Chase quips as he places a perfectly grilled juicy sirloin on each of our plates. He then dishes up the grilled vegetables and spoons them on the side.

We both sit down and start to eat.

“Chase, this tastes wonderful. You outdid yourself tonight.”


Once we’ve finished and pushed our empty plates to the side, we both lean back in our chairs.

I thought I’d wait for Chase to talk first, but as the silence drags out, I panic. I realize I’m not brave enough to discuss our marriage yet or tell him about the baby. So, I nervously blurt out something about his apartment being up for sale.

“So, um... a girl was here measuring the house. I... ah, love my apartment. I wouldn’t want to give it up. So, um. I actually would be interested in buying you out.”

“What?” Chase gives me a confused look.

“Well, um, seeing the realtor got me thinking. Once our year is up and I collect my inheritance, there really isn’t any reason for us to stay married. And, um, I really love this duplex, so I thought it would be nice if I owned both sides.” I want to look at him to see his reaction to my words. Does he want an out? Will he leave once I tell him about the baby, anyway?

Chase just sits there for a minute or two with a hard look on his face.

“I will consider it, Val. After our year is up,” he says carefully.

“Chase, lately, I’ve been thinking about my future. You know, when I meet that special someone— I think I’d like to maybe start a family— I’m sure you’re eager for your freedom.”

I look over at Chase to see his reaction, but his face shows no emotion.

Then he says curtly, “You know my feelings about children. So, it sounds like you’re the one eager for freedom, Val. I guess you’re eager to meet that special someone who wants a family?”

I shrug helplessly in response. What was I hoping for? That I could change his mind about wanting children? I swallow down my bitter disappointment.

“Well, I have more news, Chase. I heard from Mr. Jenkins yesterday. He said the dispute was being dismissed as inconsequential. The fifty-one shares will be transferred into my name today, and I’ll have controlling interest in Carlucci’s by midnight tonight.”

“I see.”

“Mr. Jenkins said it wouldn’t be publicly announced until tomorrow afternoon.”

“What about your five million?”

“The money still won’t be released to me until after the one-year requirement is up, but Mr. Jenkins did let me know that with the dispute dismissed, no one would be questioning our marriage in any way. We... we wouldn’t even have to live together anymore once the ownership of the shares is publicly announced.”

“So, I guess you’re getting everything you wanted. Right, Val?”

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