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We all shake our heads. “Tea is fine, Suzanne. Thank you.”

When she leaves the room, we all start to eat.

“How is Sanders doing? Did he regain full use of his arm?” Jaxson asks.

“Yes, the doctors waited forty-eight hours after he got out of surgery before they ran more tests. He can move his entire arm, hand, and fingers. His shoulder is still giving him trouble. It’s stiff, so they sent him to therapy twice a week. You know, it could have been a lot worse. He was lucky.”

Jaxson states, “My guy, who was on the inside, got a list of the companies the vendor was selling to. You realize that reporting this to the authorities will save numerous lives and injuries?”

“Yes, and after what happened to Sanders, we have no time to lose. Sam, what do you think is the best way for us to report this?”

“I’ve been thinking about that. Let me make a couple of phone calls to get the ball rolling. Law enforcement knows the importance of protective armor, so this will hit close to home. The press will be all over this once they get wind of it. I want the local authorities to keep it under wraps until the companies involved have pulled the defective vests. Who cares if it’s a shit show after that?”

Sam raises his iced tea and looks at Carson, me, and Jaxson. “I’m proud of all three of you. You’d have all made fine officers.”

We raise our glasses and drink.



We’re two weeks away from our imaging camera software launch. Our buyer hasn’t approved the marketing ads we sent over more than a week ago. So, I give him a call.

“Henry, It’s Val Carlucci-Knight. I was wondering when we can expect approval for the marketing ads.”

“Oh, hi Val, um. I’m not sure. Let me get with my team and I can call you back.”

“Henry, we’re getting down to the wire. Your manufacturing company agreed to bundle our software with your security cameras. Are you backing out of our deal?”

“Now, Val. I wouldn’t put it that way.”

“How would you put it, Henry? I need a straight answer.”

“Look, let’s just say that I’ve decided to go with another Carlucci’s recommendation.”

“Another, Carlucci? As in my uncle, Vince Carlucci?”

“Listen, Val, I couldn’t turn him down. His deal was too good. All he asked me to do was back out of this deal. So, my hands were tied. Look, I wasn’t supposed to let you know that we were asked to back out. Victor wanted me to keep it under wraps until the end of the month.”

“I see. Okay, Henry. I wish you luck.”

I sit there in my tiny office, fuming. This could sabotage our company. If my Uncle Victor wants to make me look bad, that is one thing, but to risk our company? I will not allow that. Controlling stock or not, I will make the board listen to me.

“Ellen, I need you to come into my office.”

I tell Ellen exactly what Henry said.

“You are freaking kidding me. Why would your uncle do that? What’s in it for him?”

“I don’t know. I do know that he’s done everything in his power to stop me from gaining the controlling stock interest. What’s crazy is that since he’s been CEO, the company has done well. We’re profitable. I mean, he knows I want to start moving toward different types of software, but I never once said we would stop making video games. I’m as stumped as you are.”

We both just shake our heads, as this doesn’t make sense.

“You know what, Ellen? I want to run this by Chase. He’s just really good at seeing things from a different angle, you know.”

I pick up my phone and call Chase.

“Hey, Val, what’s up?”

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