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We get back in Chase’s truck and pick up the rings from the jeweler.

“Next, we’ll need to stop by the Clerk of Courts to register for a marriage license.”

“We need to do it today because there’s a wait time of three days.”

“Shit. We have to wait three days?” At my nod, he adds, “Or we could drive to Georgia tonight and be married by tomorrow.”

“What do you think we should do, Chase?”



“Do you, Chase Lane Knight, take Valentina Marie Carlucci as your lawfully wedded wife?” the preacher states in a Georgia drawl.

“I do.”

I listen to Val as she quietly states, “I do,” and then we’re pledging our vows.

Soon, the wedding ceremony is over, and the preacher states, “You may kiss the bride.”

I take a nervous Val into my arms and then lean down to give her a quick kiss to seal the deal.

She’s so close I can smell her flowery perfume. It’s the scent she always wears: lily, lilac, or something like that.

My lips touch hers, and all thought of my promise not to touch her goes out of my head. I’ve thought about kissing Val. Hell, I’ve thought about throwing her down on the ground and just taking her period. I mean all those sexy curves and her lush ass. It would be heaven.

Why haven’t I? Because her friendship means more to me than a damn quickie. I don’t want to jeopardize our friendship for lust.

Yet, I knew kissing Val would be perfect. I just didn’t think she would go to my head so fast. She’s like a fine wine that I can’t get enough of. Her soft curves mold to my hard frame. She feels so good in my arms.


I lift my head and look around at the preacher, “I said you can kiss the bride. Anything else needs to be behind closed doors, young man. That’s our policy.”

“Of course. Sorry.”

I look down at Val, who seems a little shell-shocked herself. Her dark eyes look a little unfocused, and she has the prettiest pink blush on her cheeks.

I reluctantly let go of my wife. My wife... Val is mine... at least for a year.

We walk out to my truck, and I help her into the high cab. I smile, and this time, I don’t turn my eyes away. Nope. She’s my wife, I can ogle her lush ass if I want to. I refrain from reaching out and squeezing her firm backside.

I get on the driver’s side and start the engine.

It’s a mostly silent drive as we head back to Jacksonville. I spend the entire time berating myself for kissing Val like that. What happened to my promise to keep my hands to myself? It hasn’t even been one day, and already I almost went too far. Damn, Knight, get it together.

We haven’t driven that far when my check engine light in my truck comes on, “Shit. Something’s wrong. I need to pull off at the next exit and check this out.”

I take the next exit, and we pull into a gas station. I pop the hood.

“Damn! Val, it looks like I’ve got a busted hose,” I look at the gas station, but it’s more of a convenience store.

“What type of hose? I can search to see if there’s a store nearby that sells it.”

“It’s the radiator hose,” I tell her about my truck’s make, model, and year, and she types it into her cell phone.

“There’s an Auto Zone about a block away,” she says excitedly, then “Oh, it just closed. It opens tomorrow morning at seven-thirty, though.”

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