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The last week has been hectic for Chase. He’s having to spend more time at the Knight Security offices. He left the house before I even got out of bed this morning. Hopefully, we’ll be able to see each other tonight as long as I don’t get stuck here at the office.

I’ve been working overtime as the deadline for our software release gets closer and closer. We are still ahead of schedule but only slightly. This is a crucial time because if anything major were to go wrong, it could throw us off schedule and delay the release.

My team and I have been meeting daily. Going over everything at least twice. Making sure we haven’t missed anything.

Emotions are high, and right now, Dave is causing a problem.

“I don’t see why I need to give up my office.”

“Because we need the room. We’re trying to finalize the marketing plans and our backers.”

“I understand why it’s needed. I just don’t understand why I have to be the one giving up my office.”

“Ellen, would you mind stepping in here, please? Thank you. Please shut the door.”

I give Dave a stern look. “Dave, it has come to my attention that you were discussing certain aspects of the project with an outside party. Someone not on our team. As you know, this is not acceptable, and it’s a violation of your non-disclosure agreement.”

“What? I never discuss the project outside of work.”

“Really? Then perhaps you wouldn’t mind telling us how Cristina found out about the issue you and I were working on. She’s the one who informed my uncle.”

At the mention of Cristina, Dave loses all color on his face, and he’s suddenly looking unsure of himself.

“I never discussed details with her. She’s a Carlucci, for heaven’s sake.”

“Yes, but she is not on our team, and therefore, you were out of line discussing the project with her.”

“Everybody in the office has been talking about it. I’m not the only one.”

“Yes, Dave. You’re right. The entire office is buzzing about the project, but that is only after I handed out pamphlets at the board meeting.”

“No, there were rumors prior to the meeting. I heard people whispering about how successful it would be.”

“Rumors about the success of the software is one thing. Knowing details about a problem with the software is something else entirely. I trust you can see the distinctions.”

“I guess, Val.”

“Good, then please have your office cleared out by the end of the day today, and we’ll consider this matter closed. Understood?”

“Yes, er... thank you.”

After the door shuts behind Dave, Ellen looks over at me.

“You know Val, I almost feel sorry for him. Cristina played him like a violin.”

“I know, Ellen. There was a time when I was younger that I thought my cousin and I could be close friends.”

“Really? What happened?”

“I, um... told her about a crush I had on a boy in high school.”

“What did she do? Go after him?”

“Yep, and got him, too. Then she dropped him as soon as she was done with him.”

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