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I pick up my dress and look around for my lingerie. I find my thong hanging on a knob by the table. When did he take off my bra? I look around the table, but I don’t see it. Oh, well, we’ll find it before we leave.

Next, I go over to the bed and bend down to pick up the covers. When I bend over, I groan softly as my tight muscles protest. I take a breath and then bend over again slowly this time, and pick up the sheets and the pillows and place them on the edge of the mattress.

Next, I look for Chase’s clothes. They are as scattered around the room as mine were. I find his pants near the table, then his shirt next to the bed. I see his tux in a heap near the door. I look again for his bowtie and then remember when he had it last. I look at the headboard and see it still tied around one of the posts. I blush at the memories from last night. I untie the material and place it with the rest of his clothes.

Now that the room looks less like a brothel, I decide I might need to use the tub to soak out some of my soreness.

I glance again at Chase, but he’s still out for the count. I wonder if he’ll be sore, then I decide he probably won’t be. But it would serve him right if he is.

I go into the large bathroom and see a jacuzzi tub on the opposite side of the shower.

I shut the bathroom door, turn on the faucet, and start to fill the tub. I look over near the sink and see some bath beads. I love this hotel!

I grab two of the bath beads and throw them in—instant bubbles. I test the water and then step into the tub. I continue to let the water pour in. I sink down and let the hot water soak away any lingering soreness. I already feel my tight muscles start to relax.

I finally turn off the faucet when the water is almost at the rim. I lean my head back against the little pillow provided by the hotel and close my eyes.

I’m awakened by the feel of a hand gently cupping my cheek. I blink open my eyes. Chase is looking down at me. I’m suddenly aware that I’m still sitting in the huge tub in now tepid water.

“You fell asleep.”

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

“I think we were both worn out after last night.”

I smile up at him. “Yes, I needed to soak my tight muscles.”

“I’m a little sore, too, but it was worth it. Are you feeling okay now?”

I gingerly move my legs. “I think so.”

“Let me get you a towel.”

I open the drain and then stand up. My muscles are surprisingly looser. Then Chase is there holding a big white fluffy towel. He wraps it around me, and I feel his lips on my shoulder.

“Good morning, Wife.”

“Good morning.”

After I’m done drying off, Chase comes back in with a thick white robe.

“Compliments of the hotel.”

“I love this place.”

“How about I take a hot shower while you order room service?”

“Do you want anything in particular?” I ask.

“Nah, you know what I like.”

As I walk into the small kitchenette, I see packets of coffee and a coffee pot.

“Love, love, love this hotel.”

I start a pot of coffee and then find a menu on the coffee table. I look it over and call in an order for room service.

I hear the shower still running, so I go over and straighten the bed. Not completely, but just enough to not be quite so obvious that we had a two-person orgy in the room.

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