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I don’t have time to worry about that since I’m busy answering the excited questions that the other members of the board are asking.

“This third-party company is showing a very high demand for your software. Are you sure these figures are accurate?”

“We originally pulled our own numbers, and we thought they seemed a bit high as well, which is why I brought in the impartial third-party company. Their figures are better than what we projected from our research. You’ll find our report on page thirteen, where we did a comparison chart showing our stats against theirs.”

The questions go on and on until, finally, the room is quiet. I then hand out the pamphlets on the camera imaging software and explain what it can do. I also showed a brief video during my presentation, but this will give each member something to take home with them.

“As you know, we have tried to keep this under wraps until the official launch. But of course, rumors and other competitors have all jumped the gun, shall we say, trying to get to market first. We’re confident that even if we miss our deadline, the demand for our software will be higher than what is currently being reported by our competition.”

After the meeting has ended, one of the board members approaches me.

“Hi, Val. Are you involved with the first-floor remodel?”

“No, Mr. Harper, to tell you the truth, I didn’t even know there were plans to renovate the first floor. Why do you ask?”

Mr. Harper is an older man who knew my parents.

“No reason, young lady. I just wondered. I’m sure once you have the shares, you’ll be more involved in future planning. I was just curious about a few things. Had a few questions.”

“I’ve mostly kept to programming.”

Mr. Harper laughs. “Well, up until now, that’s what you’ve done best. You’ll probably be like your father; he believed in transparency. He made sure to include the board in almost everything.”

Mr. Harper and I turn toward the door where my uncle has been waiting.

“Victor, there you are. Maybe you can answer my questions.”

“Of course, Oscar. You know I’m always available.”

My uncle looks upset. I know he’s not pleased with the board’s reaction to my presentation, but I know the software has potential. I just need the chance to prove it.

When I get back to our department, I give the entire team a thumbs up, and everyone cheers.

“Hi, Val. While you were in the board meeting, the team watched the presentation. We’re all stoked, and now we’re ready to go out and celebrate.”

“I’m in! I’ll invite Chase to meet us there.”

We decided to all meet up at Shot In The Dark. It’s an upscale sports pub. There are individual speakers at each table, so you can control the volume of the numerous televisions scattered across the walls.

I keep my eye on the door, and when Chase walks in, I wave him over and introduce him to the group. Even Dave is celebrating the software’s progress.

He gives his lopsided grin and says, “Nice to meet all of you. Val has nothing but wonderful things to say about the team!”

I swear I watch a few of the younger girls practically swoon. He sits down at the already crowded table and orders a draft.

“Hi Ellen, Val says you run the team with an iron fist.”

“Yes, I do. It’s good to meet you finally, Chase.”

Chase turns to me. “So, how did it go? Obviously pretty good if you’re already celebrating.”

I tell him all about the presentation. Then I hand him a pamphlet.

“Wow, you really did your homework, Val, and it shows. I bet the board is as impressed as I am.”

“Thanks, Chase.”

“What did your Uncle Victor think about your presentation?”

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