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Chapter Three


I water the plants I keep by the front window, make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and settle down on the couch with an aching sigh. My feet are killing me… desperately killing me. I sat a little bit during the day, but by the time I got home, they were swollen to double their size.

Why do people like being pregnant? I haven’t figured that part out yet. Maybe it’s different when you have someone doting after you, telling you how cute you look with your bloated belly, reminding you how sweet life will be when you finally have your bundle of joy in your arms.

That’s not what’s happening right now. Right now, I’m a giant whale in search of a constant infusion of trans fats and sugar. I can’t remember the last time someone told me I looked cute.

I flick on the TV and turn the station to some cooking show. I don’t cook anymore because I can’t afford food. The piece of pie I had today in the diner was a treat. A rare treat. It’s the first time in months I’ve given into a craving like that. That said, I still love watching people cook. It’s relaxing and the repetitive motions and light banter is exactly what I need after a long day of lugging this stomach around.

“Knock, knock.” My friend Faith stands on the opposite side of the screen door. She’s dressed in a cute little sundress with pink flowers dotted along the hem and her hair is tied up in a purple bow. She reminds me of a 1950’s housewife, but in a modern, cute sort of way. It probably helps that she’s always coming by with a basket of homemade treats.

“It’s open,” I holler, barely moving from the couch. We just met a few weeks ago, but I feel like I’ve known her forever. She’s a transplant to the area and doesn’t really talk about it much, but she’s been a huge support to me and the one person I can tell absolutely everything to without judgment.

“I brought chocolate chip muffins and homemade soup!” She sets the basket on the table in front of me and I dive in like a monster who’s been starving for weeks.

“Thank you!” I sigh, biting into the spongy, chocolatey goodness of a warm muffin. “You have no idea how hungry I am.”

“I do. That’s why I keep coming over. You need to eat more.”

I stare down at my expanded stomach. “Nine pounds, two ounces. I’m pretty sure at this point, they got the timing wrong. I have a three-month-old living inside of me.”

She laughs and twists her hair up into a ponytail. “The muffins are working then.” Faith has a gentle kind of look to her. She’s thick and curved, with round cheeks and soft features. “How was your day?”

I sigh and lean back, closing my eyes for a second as I picture Max standing in the general store with his gun drawn. “I ran into an ex.”

“Which one?”

I laugh. “Fair question. The one from the past. The hot one. The biker.” I blow out a frustrated sigh through my pursed lips. “I can’t stop thinking about him.”

“Oh shit. You, ugh, you tell him the news?”

“Didn’t have to.” I grin. “He noticed. I don’t know what I’m going to do. He’s always been so aggressive, and I think he wants to start things up again.”

“What do you want?”

I bite into another muffin. “No clue. I don’t know if this is pregnancy hormones or what, but it was taking everything inside of me not to climb all over him on sight every time.” My eyes widen. “I mean, seriously, this dude was the hottest sex of my life. He’s an animal.”

Faith grins. “Do tell. My life is so boring.”

“He’s really into… telling me what to do.” My clit throbs and I swear a bead of sweat drips onto my forehead. “I… I don’t know. It was always so wild. He’s big, demanding, and his voice is so deep. And if I were naughty…” My thighs ache, halting me from explaining too much. “It was intense.”

Faith pretends to fan herself. “Oh my God. I’ve never been touched by a man, but when I do, I want it like that.” This is the first real bit of Faith’s life she’s shared with me. It’s kind of nice.

“Have you been in a serious relationship?”

She shakes her head. “Not really. I’ve kind of moved around a lot. So… there hasn’t been time for one.” She pushes her hair behind her ear to hide her lack of comfort even sharing this much. “Enough about me. Tell me more about your escapades. Why’d you guys break up if he was so… hot?”

“I guess with all the hot stuff comes the weird, aggressive stuff too. I don’t know. He’s doing some bounty thing for the mountain. The whole MC is involved.”

She tilts her head to the side. “Really? When did this happen?”

“Not sure. I just got back myself. It’s a mess if you ask me. He’s saying there’s some need and the money’s good, but it’s also so dangerous. We can have folks like that up here doing that work, I just wish it wasn’t him doing it.”

She pinches her lips together and nods. “Yeah. I, ugh, I just remembered I left the stove on at the cabin. I should probably get back to it.”

“Yeah, sure. Thanks for the treats. You know I’m thankful for you!”

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