Page 6 of The Last Knight

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Lunchtime rolls around and I’m right in the middle of paperwork. It’s strewn all across my desk with no ending in sight. With a heavy sigh, I lean back and look at the mess in front of me. I need to get out of here to get my head back on straight. My eyes are starting to cross from all the documents sitting before me. I jump up from my chair, grabbing my sweater and purse and head out the door.

“I’m taking a lunch break. Hold my calls for an hour or so. Do you want anything?” I question.

“No ma’am, Ally packed me lunch this morning,” she answers holding up her goody bag.

“Alright then, I’ll be back soon.” Making my way to the elevators, the sound of my phone breaks the silence. I rummage through my purse swiftly and finally hold it in my hand. Sebastian is calling.

“Please don’t tell me you or Miles have gotten into more trouble.” I chuckle.

“Not this time. I was calling to tell you the details of the party this weekend. Stormy and Lizzie have everything settled. Be on the rooftop of Hotel Chantelle, Saturday at eight p.m.,” he says.

“Wow, they sure got to work, didn’t they?” I ask. Now that I hear the details, my nerves begin to flutter.

“Yeah, well, they wanted to make this special for you. I think the girls already went out shopping to get outfits and everything. You know how they go all out.” Sebastian laughs and I do as well. I can see them using this as an excuse to buy a bunch of new clothes. I wish they would have included me on their little shopping trip because I have no idea what I’m going to wear to this thing.

“We invited my cousin, Samuel, as well because he knew your brother. I told you that I would introduce you to him one day but it seems like you may already know him. Anyways, I’m getting another call. We will see you this weekend.” Sebastian hangs up before I can ask anymore questions about this mystery Samuel. The first thing that comes to mind is Matthew’s very best friend Samuel. The Samuel that I was in love with for most of my childhood and teenage life. It can’t be the same. Right? The name Samuel is common, I tell myself but I think my subconscious flutters at the thoughts of ‘what if’.

I walk to the deli around the corner and order the same sandwich I always do, as if on autopilot. With the name mentioned I can’t help but think about that handsome boy I once knew. I wonder what he is doing now. Is he still in the Army? I haven’t heard anything about him since I saw him at my brother’s funeral. He was only on leave long enough to put his friend in the ground then he was gone again. I felt like I lost both of them after that. Even though we weren’t close in age, they would take me with them to hang out all the time before they left for the military. I felt like part of the group and I was thankful that Matthew always wanted to include me in his plans and that Sam didn’t mind.

The waitress serves me as I slip into a seat next to a bank of windows. I always sit here so I can see the people walking by. My appetite seems to have dwindled since Sebastian uttered the name Samuel. I don’t know if it’s the same man I once knew but for some reason I hope it is. I peck at my sandwich then decide to pull out my phone and look Samuel up to see if he has any social media. As I type in Samuel Knight, I freeze realizing that I knew his last name all along and I didn’t put two and two together. What are the fucking odds? I never once, in all the years working for Miles and Sebastian, made the connection with Sam. How could I have missed this? When I type his name into Google, an image of him surfaces on my display. The years have added a layer of sternness that wasn't present earlier, yet undeniably, this is the same boy who I thought I would marry one day. The thought sounds preposterous now.

My mouth becomes dry as I stare down at my phone. It's the captivating hazel eyes reflecting from the screen, the ones I've often dreamt of, that cause a ripple of excitement within me. I can see his war riddled face but it somehow makes him even more stunning than he was before. My finger runs over the screen as if it was really him. In an instant all those feelings from long ago come screaming back to the surface. I thought I had moved past him but apparently I’m still just as smitten as I once was.

“Mom, I don’t have time to take Marcy to lessons today. I’ve got to get this essay finished for Psychology,” Matt replies into the phone. My heart drops because I look forward to this day every week. Sam is sitting in front of me at the table where we have been working on homework. Not that I can get much done with Sam this close. I keep sneaking glances when I know he isn’t looking.

“Yeah, she’ll just have to miss this week. Sorry, mom.” I feel like I could cry so I tuck my face into my folded arms resting on the table.

“Hey, man. I don’t mind taking her,” Sam mentions. My flushed face swoops up to look at him. He shoots me a wink and I think I instantly melt into a puddle on the floor.

Matt moves the phone from his ear. “Are you sure?” he asks. Sam nods as he flips his books closed. “Thanks. I owe you one.” Matt slaps him on the back then starts talking to mom again. I’m going to be in Sam’s car with just him. This is too much for my teenage heart to handle. I think it might burst at any moment.

“Mom, Sam just said he would take her.”

“Yeah, I’ll tell him.”

“Okay. We love you too.” Matt hangs up then looks over Sam again.

“Thanks for doing this. You know how much she loves going.”

“It’s not a problem. Besides, I’m already done with my essay.” His eyes lock on mine. “Are you ready?” Am I? Yes, I got dressed when I got home from school.

“Yep,” I muster. Jenny is going to have a cow when I tell her about this tomorrow.

Sam stands from the table and starts to walk off then stops and looks back at me.

“Are you coming, princess?” He quirks his brow at me and a nervous giggle bubbles out of me.

“Yeah, oh, yeah. I am. Totally.” I cringe at my stupid response. I swear he melts my brain cells when he’s this close to me. ‘I’m smart, I promise.’ is what I want to say.

“Heh, well let’s get a move on.” He gestures behind him toward the front door. I jump up nearly knocking my books to the ground. Matt looks up shaking his head at me and chuckles.

“Maybe you need to wear that helmet all the time. You’re clumsy, sunshine.” He loves driving me crazy but I love him. He’s not just my brother, he’s my best friend. I stick my tongue out at him and follow behind Sam. Sometimes I feel like Matty knows I have a crush on his best friend but how could he? I definitely haven’t told him and I keep cool, for the most part.

We drive out of the city heading toward the stables where I have horseback riding lessons. I’ve been doing this for years but continue because I love riding out into nature exploring different trails. Since I began jumping lessons, I’ve been even more eager to attend. I love to feel the rising excitement right before we jump an obstacle.

Sam turns the music down pulling my attention back inside the car. “So, how are your lessons going? I haven’t been out here to watch in a while.”

“Oh, um, I began jumping higher obstacles with Rocky.” I pick at a piece of invisible lint on my pants trying not to act too eager that he seems interested.

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